So... cant believe it

Well, I was bored tonight so I figured I would replant the last batch of my seeds for this season, so I opened up my miracle gro seed starting mix bag that has been kept in my room since I bought it a few months ago, and what do I find? What a surprise, I find over 6 weeds growing in this bag alone. I couldnt believe it. No wonder people speak so badly of MG. I guess I now have a reason to.


Just really didnt expect that at all.


And yes, I also have a question. Some of my tomatoes are growing like weeds in the 9 oz plastic cups, and I'm starting to wonder if i should soon transplant them into 12 or perhaps even 16 oz cups. How much of a benefit would that provide me considering I probably only have another month till they go outside?
if you have room and want them to get bigger then pot up, they'll certainly grow a noticable amount, if you want them to stay very close to the size they are now then leave them. keeping my plants in small pots is part of how i keep their size managed.
Transplant the tomatoes in to bigger cups!! Just plant them deep in the cup so the stem will put out more roots! You will have much healthier and larger plants and will get better production. That has been my experience.
Straticus said:
I opened up my miracle gro seed starting mix bag that has been kept in my room since I bought it a few months ago, and what do I find? What a surprise, I find over 6 weeds growing in this bag alone. I couldnt believe it. No wonder people speak so badly of MG.

I've given up using Miracle-Gro now after finding so may weeds among my plants. When I opened the last bag it had a load of little black flies in it, they don't seem to harm the plants but are attracted to me like a piece of dog poo :( The only reason I started using Miracle-Gro was because it was the only compost I could find in small bags and I'm too tiny to lift the other size bags. My brother helped me out with big bags that were a different make and it's a lot better.
I'm a pro-mix fan myself. If you can find the PGX, its much better for starting seeds then the BX, especially in small cells.
And yes, I also have a question. Some of my tomatoes are growing like weeds in the 9 oz plastic cups, and I'm starting to wonder if i should soon transplant them into 12 or perhaps even 16 oz cups. How much of a benefit would that provide me considering I probably only have another month till they go outside?

Is it a clear cup? Can you see the roots? If the cup is full of roots, I'd transplant, get an edge on producing more roots before it goes in the ground. If your root development is only so so, there's probably not much advantage to transplanting.