So I powdered some egg shells....

Have been saving egg shells to toss into the pile of dirt and manure mix I have outside. I've read it takes a long time for egg shells to do anything so I had the idea of helping them along.  Scratched the coffee grinder window a little bit but doesn't do any real harm.  Since these are powdered up do you see any reason why I couldn't just sprinkle them on top of the soil in my pots that have my young plants in?  Surely this will unleash the calcium much better than broken shells?  What are your thoughts on doing it this way and maybe adding a teaspoon or so to each of my plants?  More?  Less?
Ive done this with mortar and pestle. People suggest giving plants epsom salts so I gave them some egg shells powder to try keep a balance.
Sarge said:
Ive done this with mortar and pestle. People suggest giving plants epsom salts so I gave them some egg shells powder to try keep a balance.
Brain Strain Pepper Head said:
I add ground up powdered egg shells, banana peels, coffee and epson salt to all my soil and they love it!! Go for it add a little
how much egg shell would you give each plant?
I have used powdered egg shells in my 3.5" pots. I just sprinkled a thin layer on top and then scratched it in to the soil a little bit. It a slow release so I don't think you really have to worry about using too much. Just don't go crazy with it. 
[SIZE=12pt]Dried, ground eggshells have an NPK value around 1.2-0.4-0.1.[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] The nitrogen content varies with the amount of egg protein left in the shells. Eggshells also contain significant amounts of calcium, as well as trace minerals.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]This free organic calcium source is great in potting mixes for container vegetable gardens, for transplanting mixes to pot up seedlings, and as a way to neutralize excess acidity and provide grit in worm composting systems.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Use 1-2 Tbs per gallon of potting soil, or up to ½ cup in a 5-gallon pot. You can also water with it.[/SIZE]
Niiiice!!   How many egg shells did it take to get that much?...  Ive just been throwing my egg shells into my worm farms.

Ill bet if you let the powder steep in hot water for a while it will help deliver the nutrients more rapidly still!  ofc let it cool before applying
I used about a two dozen eggs and washed them out and removed that plasticy layer inside the shell. I've read of a better way of dissolving it to make it much more readily available but my plants weren't deficient so a slow break down was suited.

I need to get or build a worm farm.