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So many problems diseases going on..

The strangest thing is that none of the superhots are affected, only other species. They were all potted up in same mix at same time. Even using milliliter measurement to water them all the same. Makes no sense to me that all superhots are very healthy and all others have different types of diseases.

It's depressive, I don't even know where to start with these massive problems.

For sure there is edema even if the pots are bone dry, just water a tiny bit if they start to wilt. Last watering was one day ago, so you can notice a little moisture on the soil.

Some have leaves browning and dying on the edges, maybe that's just major edema signs and not a different disease?

Then some have upward leaf curl with no edema.

Two of the plants had a bit of larva thrips, but I'm sure they are all bug free now.

Here are some pictures, first the perfectly healthy and beautiful superhots:

Picture of all the plants, half of them are like trashed now :(

One and one plant for a closer look:







some of those look like critter damage, you might want to just give them some time to recover from those thrips. i assume you nailed them? i think you were going to try to get some imidicloprid in your other thread.


this one reminded me of a problem i had. turned out to be physiological leaf roll disorder caused by to much heat from my HPS lighting, i had to back it off to like 24-28" to get it to stop. it wasnt the ambient heat in the room, but the infrared heat from the bulb just roasting the leaves. it grew great, but just had messed up leaves... it looked gnarly so i just backed the light off.
bychance is this plant in the very middle? you might move it to the outer perimeter or just raise the light a bit (assuming you are using a HPS/MH) it might correct iself.

you might consider getting a USB miscroscope. ive found that they are great for searching for critters and distinguisning eggs and w/e from other stuff, plus you can post the pictures from the scope on forums and find answers easier.

i have this one, and its pretty awsome, its perfect for looking for mites at its highest magnification. i actually have a picture on the forums i posted of some red mites that i nailed with e-pro.

heres that thread, http://thehotpepper.com/topic/23521-great-tool-for-identifying-the-smaller-pests/page__fromsearch__1
some of those look like critter damage, you might want to just give them some time to recover from those thrips. i assume you nailed them? i think you were going to try to get some imidicloprid in your other thread.


this one reminded me of a problem i had. turned out to be physiological leaf roll disorder caused by to much heat from my HPS lighting, i had to back it off to like 24-28" to get it to stop. it wasnt the ambient heat in the room, but the infrared heat from the bulb just roasting the leaves. it grew great, but just had messed up leaves... it looked gnarly so i just backed the light off.
bychance is this plant in the very middle? you might move it to the outer perimeter or just raise the light a bit (assuming you are using a HPS/MH) it might correct iself.

you might consider getting a USB miscroscope. ive found that they are great for searching for critters and distinguisning eggs and w/e from other stuff, plus you can post the pictures from the scope on forums and find answers easier.

i have this one, and its pretty awsome, its perfect for looking for mites at its highest magnification. i actually have a picture on the forums i posted of some red mites that i nailed with e-pro.

Cool you actually remember me asking about that in the other thread hehe. I'm pretty sure they have been nailed, the two plants that were affected are starting to put out a tiny bit of new green growth.

Interesting thought but I cant see how it could be my lights doing it, growing with a 600w led light but these plants are at a very long distance. Hydro plants in the same room, they are a lot closer to the light and doing fine. So I'm scratching my head about what could have caused it!

USB microscope is a really cool idea! Never heard of such a thing. I surely will search about whats available in Norway of such products :)

Found this here, http://www.veho-uk.com/main/shop_detail.aspx?article=40 guess it's pretty decent?
someone else on thp, had a thread with a lumigrow 330 that was showing the same sort of leaf rolling, so IMO its possible to roll the leaves with an LED, it may not actually be the heat itself now that i think of it, but rather just light that is too intense? idk, maby someone can find that thread im thinking of. the lumigrow was right ontop of the plants tho, so if yours is not its probably not the problem.

do you have a nutrient profile you follow? if so can you post it? it might be obiviously deficient in something. since it looks like you are growing in a peat mix i assume you are feeding them 100% through waterings.

this is my old hp aero thread, theres some pictures of what im talking about with the leaf rolling and what not. some day i will dust off that old machine and give it another go with some way bigger containers.
someone else on thp, had a thread with a lumigrow 330 that was showing the same sort of leaf rolling, so IMO its possible to roll the leaves with an LED, it may not actually be the heat itself now that i think of it, but rather just light that is too intense? idk, maby someone can find that thread im thinking of. the lumigrow was right ontop of the plants tho, so if yours is not its probably not the problem.

do you have a nutrient profile you follow? if so can you post it? it might be obiviously deficient in something. since it looks like you are growing in a peat mix i assume you are feeding them 100% through waterings.

this is my old hp aero thread, theres some pictures of what im talking about with the leaf rolling and what not. some day i will dust off that old machine and give it another go with some way bigger containers.

Interesting, I see from your thread that your plant were taking off even though it had similar problems to mine. Good not all hope is lost hehe

It's not lumigrow I'm using but some other brand, I cant really believe that it's my light setting doing it. It's not close at all, if there was any problems I would think it would be the opposite(too far away from the plants).

For my hydro I have a nutrient profile I'm following which is lucas formula which is doing great. The plants you see I have little or no control over now. It was silly me trying to be creative and make my own potting mix. Guess that's a big reason for the results haha

Contents are a little bit of vermiculite, quite a bit of perlite, a lot of peat moss but very little soil. So I would say it's almost a soil-less mix. Tried to mix some fertilizer into the mix, but the fertilizer had like no instructions so I have no clue how the potting mix is now. Any way to figure it out?

Time to sleep now, will check up on this threat tomorrow :) Thanks for the help so far!
I would say some of it is definitely thrip damage. My plants took about 4 weeks after ridding them of thrips to really start looking nice again. It is unbelievable to me how badly those tiny little things can damage a plant.
yea, if your led fixture isnt parked ontop of those plants, like within a foot or so id rule out that theory of mine. just stay ontop of the insects and let them grow out for a while. hopefully they get better.

IDK what the lucas formula is tbh, only that they use it to grow cannabis. i follow the howard resh formula. hes apparently the acknowledged hydroponics "guy". are you useing the 3 part GH bottles?