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So the question becomes when do I take the lid off...

Hey all,

New to pepper growing and have been around the forum for a few weeks. I have a question about when should I take the lids off of my trays. I have worked for the last five days or so just to get the temps right in my germination trays. So today I noticed that I have one little guy who has poked his head out of the dirt to say hello to the world. That being said... When should I remove the lid and get some light on these guys ? Now ? At 50 percent ? 75 ? I have read "pop a corner of the tray to allow ventilation..." should I also turn on my lights ? Who knew this starting indoors we be so rough... and FUN.

Thank you in advance for answering my questions. There is so much knowledge on THP it is amazing.

By the way is there a thread / forum out there dedicated solely to pictures ?
I have a tendency to pull out any seedlings once they "pop".

Right into a well drained foam coffee cup.

If you are looking to upload your own pictures - linking them in any relevant thread (or a new thread) is fine. If you are looking for other peoples pictures check out the grow log thread here:
You need to get the light on them as soon as they pop. I took my lid off right after the first one came up. As you dont want to cause your seedlings to damp off. The other ones will still germ as long as you keep the soil moist and temps up. Good luck!
For me, as soon as one sprouts, it gets out of the dome and under the lights. Keep the others under the dome to wait their turn.

Sprouts need light, but not as much heat. Seeds need the extra warmth and humidity. Thus many people have two seperate areas for each event.

For those that grow with Jiffys, its easy to move individual sprouters. For those that grow in a massive 72-cell flat, you can actually cut those things up and move the sprouted ones, keep the others under the dome. Its more work, but effective. (Thanks again Muskymojo for the idea...)
So this is what I am looking at:


I have this same thing happening in two trays. In my third I see no action at all. So pull the lids, drop the lights, keep things moist,and and keep things warm ?

- Mega
i dont use lights,and when i do start seeds with a dome which is not that often s soon as one pops its time for the lid to come off
So I decided to move my germination station out of my light box and into another area. I then dropped the ones that have poped using the doubled-up solo cup method I have seen around (inside cup has holes in it the outside cups acts as a saucer). Then lowered the lights as such:


Plan is to continue to do so until all are moved from Jiffy tray to light box... Sound / look like it will do the trick ?
I'd leave them in there with that light. I take my lid off little bit before they get their true leaves. If they start dying or looking sick, take the lid off. I think they should be fine at the small size the photo shows.
Perfect. When one pops remove it from the germination tray and get it under the lights. I too use the double cup method and I hope you don't mind a suggestion. Put someting about the size of an inch between the cups. That will allow space for the runoff water to sit. If there isn't any space then the excess water isn't going to go anywhere and your roots will be sitting in it.

Best of luck to you and welcome to the site.
Looks okay to me, but I don't grow with the Jiffy pucks. IMO, its great to get them under the lights from day one. Maybe some other Jiffy & dome people will step up with their procedures.

I personally like to let the plant get a couple of leaves before potting up, but I imagine the transition from the puck (inserting into the solos) is pretty smooth. Be sure to keep them moist--no drying for a least a few days.

Good luck and congratulations on the first borns--always a good feeling when you get something right.... :cool:
Shoot... I started way too many seeds. In looking at my space I have room for about half of what I started... Crap.... to make another light box or not...
Shoot... I started way too many seeds. In looking at my space I have room for about half of what I started... Crap.... to make another light box or not...

Its ok I did the same thing lol. You only need 2 seeds per pellet, that way if both germ you can select the best one to keep, or seperate and keep them both :)
Well I did two or three to a pellet... in 60 pellets... I have room for 32 solo cups... heres hoping I only get a 50 percent germination rate ! Wow... didn't think I would ever hope for that !