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Soaking seeds

Hi all,
I have started soaking my seeds prior to sowing, seems to speed things up.
The problem is due to constant visitors I've left some seeds soaking for more than a week, is it a waste of time sowing them now, or will they be ok?
I haven't soaked seeds yet Biscombe so I can't speak to it...some here do and some don't.

Just wanted to say that the tomato seeds you sent are growing like wildfire...
Top banana! wish chillies would grow as quick as tomatoes! ;)

Anyone out there soaked chillies more than a week and got away with it?
Nah, never... but as far as I know they may very well still germinate, but might be everything else than fungi free after a week in... yeah, what did you soak them in???
I have experimented some with soaking them and have let them go little to long where the hairy lil root thingy was in the paper towel and all I did was carefully cut around the seed and drop it in the soil and covered it. And usually within a few days they popped their heads up and said HELLO And still to this day which is two weeks later they are doing great. : ) Joe
I think Biscombe was talking about soaking them in water/tea/whatever... not letting them germinate on paper towels... I'm not sure though (that's why I asked). :)

However, I agree, I always let my seeds germinate on paper towels before putting them into soil to avoid wasting soil and pots (i.e. space). Works fine. I put them into soil the day it germinates though. They seem to grow much slower on the towels than they would in soil.
might as well try, if you don't have the space for something that might not germinate then just start one or two and start over with the rest but that way you'll know for future reference (and tell us so we'll know too :) ) i bet you won't get any hull bound seedlings if they do germinate...
just think about it you were just sowing them.... hydroponically? lol was the tea really cold? that's the only factor i could see being a problem unless they got starved for Oxygen
i soaked my bhut jolokia's in normal tap water for about 4-5 days and one popped up in less than two weeks i was really really really happy
bhuttt said:
i soaked my bhut jolokia's in normal tap water for about 4-5 days and one popped up in less than two weeks i was really really really happy

I didn't soak mine at all, and they popped up in about 10 days.
I wouldn't soak mine for the faster germination alone, it wouldn't be worth the effort, but the combination of faster germination and some fungus protection makes it worth your while imo.
Chiliac said:
I wouldn't soak mine for the faster germination alone, it wouldn't be worth the effort, but the combination of faster germination and some fungus protection makes it worth your while imo.

I've yet to see any faster germination, though. And I don't really have fungus problems indoor, that's mostly a husbandry issue.
I really think it speeds up germination. The fungus thing is more or less a "can't do any harm" issue. I never had any problems, so I feel confident doing it...
I have had a great germination rate when soaking in weak Chamomile tea and had some seeds germinate in a few days. I prefer it. I have just planted 50 more and 10 were not soaked so I will see if it makes a difference since I check them everyday (doesnt everyone?) I would try planting your seeds and see ...what do you have to lose? if they dont sprout you can dry them out and try again
i've had a fungus problem indoors once, but somehow i don't think that's what PB's laughing out loud over...

i feel like once you're more experienced at growing from seed it really doesn't make any difference to soak or not to soak, but for the newer grower it just makes germinating slightly easier. the first stage of germination is imbibation, if the soil isn't kept consistently moist that'll be slow and you'll set yourself back. if you soak the seeds you take away the guesswork, but the seeds don't really take up the water any faster. the paper towel method of waiting 'til they sprout is mainly good if you're incredibly neurotic like me and have to know exactly what's going on...