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pics Some crappy cellphone pics of Avon Barksdale's progency

Grow closet from afar. Top shelf is 2 4 foot shop lights each with 2 T12 bulbs. Bottom shelf is a 4 foot 6 bulb T5 light by Hydrofarm. I really like this light, it fits the closet perfectly and puts out a ton of light. The door is only a foot and a half to 2 feet long so I can't really get a good picture of the set up.


Top shelf, 2 4 foot T12 lights for the little guys.


Top shelf again, tomatillos, tomatoes, and some annums and frutescens started not too long ago.


Another pic of the tomatillos, tomatoes, and annums/frutescens.
Now for the big boy chinenses...and a few baccatums and pubes.

Potted up not quite 2 weeks ago into 5.5' pots, I think it's time for another pot up already. Gonna try to wait another 2 weeks before I put them outside in their final 7 gallon (6.15 gallon capacity) pots.


The tray of big boys...some of these are a foot and a half tall. I took them out from under the grow light today and I'm going to keep them by the window and put them out during the day until they go outside.


Some of the big boys playing outside...it was pretty windy that day and the wind beat them up a bit.


Same thing a little closer

A red scotch bonnet that I like the look of



A strange 7 Pod that forked VERY early


And finally some morels that I found growing in my friend's yard. These should be nice after I fry them. :) She's Mexican and afraid they might be poisonous, so I guess I'll have to eat them all. :D


Hope you've enjoyed my crappy cell phone pics from my crappy cell phone. Only one more month and I get an upgrade and I can get one of those fancy smart phones that every Tom, Dick, and Harry has nowadays. :cool:

Looking forward to getting all these guys outside! Still a little early I think, it gets fairly cold at night and I'm worried about those April storms.
Looking good, Avon. Looks like you are gonna have some heat!

Thanks Midwestchilehead, the book you sent me probably helped my cause. :D

BTW, something has been gnawing on the lower leaves of a lot of the plants. It leaves the steam with jagged edges of little leaf bits still attached, or eats half of the leaf then moves on. It has gnawed on most of the plants and killed two really small seedlings. Stripped the cotyledons then sawed the stem in half. I've looked all over including the undersides of leaves and can't find anything. Hasn't really done much damage excepted for the two murdered seedlings which I had extra of anyway. I found 3 flying insects of the same variety in there today, long skinny ones with skinny leaves about 2 cm long. Didn't get a picture because I smashed them all and there wasn't much left, not sure if this could be the culprit or not. Doesn't really look like something that would be eating the leaves, but I don't know. Hopefully it wasn't a predator of whatever is eating them. :o I've been spraying the plants a couple times a week with safer soap, not sure if it's helping or not. It's not a huge concern right now and whatever it is isn't doing much damage, but hopefully it isn't something that could get out of control. It doesn't really seem to be getting worse.

I'm starting to think it could even be a mouse. There is a little hole in the corner of the closet. Maybe there's a mouse coming through that hole and gnawing on plants. I would think that I would have heard it by now if that were the case though, since I sleep in the room. Plus I've never seen any mice in this house, so I don't know.
Great Pics AV! love the grow system, plants look great. how small are the chew marks? under a mag glass you will be able to see a mouses teeth marked.. probably not an insects.. hope you can narrow down the upstarter and send his butt to hades.
totally get a mouse trap,
and use peanut butter
covered with cannabis(sp?)seeds if you got any?
for bait :hell:
Thanks everyone, here's the grow list for now...

Trinidad Perfume
Dorset Naga
Assam Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Yellow Bhut Jolokia
Bih Jolokia
Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga
Aji Cristal
Aji Limon
Red Savina
Cap 649
Black Prince
Pimenta de Neydey
Red Scotch Bonnet
Brazilian Starfish
Jamaican Scotch Bonnet
7 Pod
7 Pod Yellow
7 Pod Douglah
Hot Lemon
Large Red Rocoto
Mayan Love Cobanero
Madam Janette
Red Habanero
Yellow Habanero
Red Devil's Tongue
Macapa Red
Pequin Firecracker
Cili Goronong
Chocolate Habanero
Congo Black Habanero
Bonda Ma Jaques
Cumari Pollux
Arribibi (sp?) Gusano
Harrold St. Bart's
Burkina Yellow
Piri Piri
Rocoto Canario
Foodarama Scotch Bonnet
Scotch Bonnet TFM
Mustard Habanero
Caribbean Red Habanero
Early Jalapeno
Biker Billy Jalapeno
Purple Jalapeno
Purple Serrano
Joe E. Parker
Fish Pepper
Peter Pepper Orange
Large Hot Cherry
Ring of Fire Cayenne
Thai Demon F1
Siling Labuyo
and those little sweet ones they sell in the clam shell at the grocery store (think they're called Yummy Orange or something)

I'll probably pick up some poblanos and maybe a few others at the nursery in May.

and a few tomatillos and tomatoes:

Green Tomatillo
Yellow Tomatillo
Purple Tomatillo
Large Tomatillo
Amish Paste
Snow White Cherry
Black Prince
Black Cherry
Japanese Trifele
Itchi Tomato (not really a tomato or a tomatillo)

I think that's everything, but I'm probably forgetting something :)