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some kind of moruga? UPDATED


So this is the pepper in question. As more ripen up I will post them, but they all look generally similar.
Oh I plan on eating it as soon as this demon baby from my ghost scorpion stops kicking. Maybe I'll even make a video review. Wont be able to keep composure like Nigel though. Should be entertaining for yall
LOL . . . just dont put to much effort in the breaking out as some new fangle reviewer of super hots LOL!!
Plenty of recent retarded attempts lately have proven fatal for the self elected,just due IMO :)
Anyway.....have a good run at it!
Ha! No definitely not any kind of decent reviewer, but it easier to explain flavor and heat in the moment, so I'll give it a shot. My ghost scorpion review would've been entertaining to say the least, I think I'll try this one out before setting up the camera and eating a whole one
question . . . .
Why the need to eat a whole pod ?
You know its a super and likely very hot,what can be gained by eating the whole pod that cant be done
with only eating a equal half?
Is there something magical one might miss by only eating half?
I doubt I ever find an answer to such a question but Im pretty sure it can be narrowed down
to those that carry "the man card"

As my wife calls it "Lifted(6") 2WD Trucker" :rofl:
Hahaha well when you said to eat it, I just assumed you meant the whole pod. The first time I saw a review of a super, I was floored when the guy popped the whole pod in his mouth. So honestly, I'm as puzzled by it as you.
But I did try this one a couple days ago. Took it to work and cut it into 4 long ways so every taster got seeds and veins. I've taken these guys bhuts and ghost scorpions before, but those were nothing compared to this. We were all curled up, sweating, eyes and noses running like faucets, and the cramps put me into a near blackout type state. It was intense. But the flavor was awesome, so I'm going to smoke and dehydrate for powder to control the side effects.