When I find a new interest I tend to research the heck out if it and then jump in with both feet. I researching I generally download everything I can from the internet and the put it together into some form that I can work with. The result of my research this time is "Some Like It Hot, A Noobies Guide to Life As A Pepper Head!" It is a work in progress and there is a ton of stuff out there that you had to learn the hard way that I don't know yet. If you would like to contribute or just have a copy to read through, email me and I'll send you a copy. Read through it. Make corrections, updates and additions where ever you want to and send it back to me so I can edit/add it into the Master copy. It is in Word format. I'm not looking to sell it but when complete perhaps it could be put into a download somewhere (TheHotPepper.com will have to approve) for anyone looking to get started.