Some pointers for growing super-hots in a box of some kind

I've read the growing guide, and have grown plenty of milder-variety chillis with no trouble - but the guide doesn't seem to address specifically growing the hotter varieties. I live in southern Europe and we get periods in summer hitting 40C, so I should have good conditions for growing super-hots but actually I don't because I only have a balcony and that only gets that sunlight a few hours a day.
Although I have successfully grown superhots from seed (I have a small Butch-T on the go at the moment which is overwintering fine in my living room), I just cannot get the flowers to turn into fruit - they ALWAYS drop off, either as buds (out of season) or they get as far as flowers when it is hot.
I have been through all the lists of reasons for flower-drop, and the only thing I can think is that the plants just aren't getting enough sunlight as superhots seem to need a huge amount, and also the flower drop happens a little later if there is more sunlight, i.e. in summer - in winter the buds don't even open.
I was thinking to make a box for this one plant - foil-lined, extractor fan, some sort of lighting on a timer and just see if I can get it to produce something (it's a cutting from another plant I tried and failed to fruit about 3 years ago, so it's survived this long, just won't fruit - not a single solitary pepper).
I would try to keep the plant pot-bound and hence fairly small so it doesn't outgrow the box. But what kind of light and what power should I think about, given that these superhots seem to need more "extreme" conditions? Do they need actual heat as well, or just some specific wavelengths? And does it even sound like this is my problem, or might it be something else?
Thanks - I could basically make that myself I am pretty sure, but that kit is 1m x 1m x 2m and has a 400w or 600w HID rig - sounds like overkill for a single 1-foot plant? My box would be more like 0.5m x 0.5m x 0.5m. Any idea what I should scale that lighting down to? Doesn't sound like I would need more than say 150-200W?
HID light needs to be farther away. so more like .5 x .5 x 1m tall
if you want to keep it really that small just get a CFL daylight spectrum bulb (20+ W) or a .5m t5 flourescent light.
or 400w is very close $ as 200-150 so might as well just get the 400 and grow 2-4 plants =]
juanitos said:
HID light needs to be farther away. so more like .5 x .5 x 1m tall
if you want to keep it really that small just get a CFL daylight spectrum bulb (20+ W) or a .5m t5 flourescent light.
or 400w is very close $ as 200-150 so might as well just get the 400 and grow 2-4 plants =]
True, though I gave away my other plants to someone so this one is solo right now, maybe I should order up more seeds.
So a T5 fluorescent should produce the right spectrum AND the right sort of temperature, too? Seems like technically the easiest and cheapest way to do it, if perhaps not as effective as HID. As I understand it you have to get the plant pretty close up to the strip? And you still need to ventilate and stuff, right?
hid is optimal for flowering it provides much more light than the other sources. it's the keep it simple stupid answer... 
yes of course you should buy tons of seeds and make a forest of peppers! is a great euro vendor.
5000k-6500k color temperature/spectrum is available in cfl t5 t8 led (just about anything)
But I don't know how much everything is available to you in serbia. 
i'd say a marshydro led fixture off ebay is easy as well and are proven to work as well..