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seeds Some seeds have come up. Now ?

Ok guys 4 out 4 of my habanero seeds have sprouted. An 1 each of my scorpion morouga blend, and scorpion butch T and, fatalli's have also. Now my question is the fatalli still has the seed stuck on it's top holding back the leaves. An the butch t and morouga came up bent at a 90 degree angle. So I was wondering what to do about the stuck on seed? An if the bent over seedlingts would correct them selves?
If you have a very, very steady hand and precision scissors, you could snip the seed coat off the cotyledons allowing them to open. Basically you work your way around the edge of the seed just like cutting the crust of a PB&J sandwich. Be warned, there is no room for error.

I do this with my seed starts that get stuck.
+1 I agree with Oro leave the seeds on they should fall off on their own. as for the bent seedlings give them a little drink and it should straighten them out right away! :)
I carefully cut them off with nail clippers. If you decide to let it free itself, mist it with water frequently to soften the seed shell and help your plant shed it. The others will stand up straight if you have a good light on them.
i removed at least 30 seed husks that just would not come off. leaves were barely visible and started turning yellow because husk would not fall. i moisten with mist spray, let sit for 5 mins, then with thumb and forefinger, pinch the seed husk at seam just as you would a peanut shell. this will open seed slightly and then you just gently tug it off. worked on prob 90% of mine, the other 10% it tore the cots off. out of that 10%...90% grew true leaves and are thriving now. good luck and try to leave alone, if looks like plant starting to die due to seed husk not falling, you must try to remove.
Thanks guys for the quick responses. An I hope all the info given will come true. But I have gave the seeds a drink and they've had overhead light all day. A 400 watt equivalent cfl (6500) lume fixture above them. At 5 1/2-6" all day. an they stil look this way. Hope my link loads so you can see what I'm talking about. Thanks again.
Plants are subject to the laws of nature...

Heliotropism is one of those, and for lack of a Sun in your house, it will take them a little longer to respond to the light.

Just remember to neglect them just the right amount, and don't over care for them, and you'll likely be alright... Peppers are resilient plants.
24/7 would be too much.,.. I think 18 on 6 off was supposed to be the max light that is good for them.

They need dark time in order to use the energy they collected during the day.
Thanks for the responses. An yea the ones from yesterday have straightened up. An I have the on a 18 hr on 6 off light schedule. So now my oonly worry is the ones with seeds still stuck on. Had another one pop today with the same problem. Thanks again
Thanks for the responses. An yea the ones from yesterday have straightened up. An I have the on a 18 hr on 6 off light schedule. So now my oonly worry is the ones with seeds still stuck on. Had another one pop today with the same problem. Thanks again

Soaking the seeds for at least 6 hours in luke warm water (some use a weak tea and add a tsp of hydrogen peroxide) helps prevent the seed helmets. My first round of about 25 starts had a bunch (6 or 7 out of 25), after that another 100 or so starts I soaked prior and maybe 2 or 3 seed hats...other things that help are good soil and planting a TAD deeper.