food Sourdough Pepperoni/Mushroom/Hab Toaster Pizza


Here's another one...

Took a couple of slices of wheat sourdough, brushed the down side with olive oil and got the toaster oven warming to 400F.

Squeeeezing the slices into my tray, I then spread with the sauce made of Sriracha, garlic/onion/italian spice powders and a sprinkle of parmesan. Topped with a bit of shredded Mozz.

Tricky bit: I sliced up the pepperoni, laid out on a paper towel, then microwaved about 25 secs to get rid of the excess fat, and so it'd need less cooking.

Let that set while I prepped some onion, red pepper, baby portobellos, and one of my Evil Burkina Habs.


Now I assembled it all, adding more Mozz and the diced hab.


Cooked until cheese was starting to get puffy, and voila!


I did melt more cheese on top after, but decided to take the pics without so ya could see all the pretty stuff. :-D

From Idea to Chomping Down took about 15 minutes..not too bad for a late-night snack. :cool:


Oh, and used some of this for a lil extra flavor/heat on these for $1 ea. on a clearance. Apparently, I'm the only one who bought any as they had several cases left...I bought lots. ;)

QuadShotz said:
Oh, and used some of this for a lil extra flavor/heat on these for $1 ea. on a clearance. Apparently, I'm the only one who bought any as they had several cases left...I bought lots. ;)

You should use fresh habs :)
quad - the pizza looks good, & congrats on the find of hab flakes, seems like a good price to me.

phat - theres nothing wrong with dried or powdered habaneros, when you dont have fresh. alot of us on THP dry & flake/powder chiles to hold us through until next season. or make hot sauces.
PhatManDerek said:
You should use fresh habs :)
I see fresh habs already on there. No need to not use pepper flakes, they are totally different. One isn't in place of the other, one is used when you want that particular ingredient.
Thx guys..ya, i like layered flavors and heat..this causes a pretty good sweat. :)

Here's pic of after adding the extra hab jack and hab flakes.


I ground down the hab stuff some in my coffee grinder so it's less chunky and doen't kill me by getting stuck in my teeth. ;)
Oh, and after leaving one in fridge overnight...ya can't imagine how 'habby' smelling and tasting this is now..those Burkinas are just nutzo strong.

Quadshotz, That is pretty cool and you have got me so bloody hungry now.......and as I am on a diet, I can't even think about that stuff at the moment......:(

Great idea and looks sensational mate.
moyboy said:
Quadshotz, That is pretty cool and you have got me so bloody hungry now.......and as I am on a diet, I can't even think about that stuff at the moment......:(

Great idea and looks sensational mate.

Just add a veggie.
Yup, just take out the pepperoni. I was gonna add black olives too, but i spaced it.
Oh..frozen habs FTW! Even almost a yr later, those Burkinas I froze taste fantastic.

And hot as hell.

Although, because I took out most of the nasty grease when i pre-nuked the pepperoni, it's pretty damn lean.

The Mozz and Hab-Jack are rather low-fat too.

Tis' all about moderation eh?

I find washing it down with beer makes it all better..muhahahaa!
QuadShotz said:
Yup, just take out the pepperoni. I was gonna add black olives too, but i spaced it.

Although, because I took out most of the nasty grease when i pre-nuked the pepperoni, it's pretty damn lean.

The Mozz and Hab-Jack are rather low-fat too.

Tis' all about moderation eh?

Yeah, I was just thinking that after I looked at the pics again...Nothing to overboard on there, I just wouldn't be able to use all that beautiful cheese....

Are the Carbohydrates lower in sourdough bread?
moyboy said:
Yeah, I was just thinking that after I looked at the pics again...Nothing to overboard on there, I just wouldn't be able to use all that beautiful cheese....

Are the Carbohydrates lower in sourdough bread?

The one I used was "Seattle Sourdough Baking Company" Cracked Wheat Sourdough. (U.S. Bakery in Oregon)



That tripod I bought is coming in handy.. ;)