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SouthernYoopers plants and your thoughts


Bhut jolokia


Bad pic but this is the underside of the Bhut leaf


Another whole shot of Bhut.


Thai plant that got it's ass kicked by pests.


Baby Bhuts that popped the other day
Most plants look fine and some very good to me, maybe a bit of fertilizer burn or something on the Thai plant that got its ass kicked? That's what the tips of the leaves looked like on mine that got burned. The yellowing leaves on that Thai plant with pods could be because of too much water, too much fertilizer, or just the plant losing the leaves because of their age. For sure though the Bhut seedlings seem to need more light, they're looking very leggy already. Lemon Hab looks fine too just usual outdoor wear and tear it seems.
Those brown spots on the Bhut looks like it might have some sort of bacterial thing going on? Don't think it will kill it or anything. Any leaf drop?

It did drop a leaf yesterday actually...... Also what do you do to fix fertilizer burn? I just use epsom salt once every two weeks. I use mushroom compost in with the soil so maybe i don't need the epsom? Hopefully the Bhut isn't going to die on me. That'd suck.
It did drop a leaf yesterday actually...... Also what do you do to fix fertilizer burn? I just use epsom salt once every two weeks. I use mushroom compost in with the soil so maybe i don't need the epsom? Hopefully the Bhut isn't going to die on me. That'd suck.

If that's all your using it's probably not from fertilizer then. Perhaps it's a nutrient deficiency then? Some more knowledgeable people around here should be able to tell you more specifically.
Some of my plants have the same thing and I know I spilt fertilizer on a couple of the plants leaves, one though was from being in the sun and is showing the end burn - I was using a 10-52-10 fert and am now using a seaweed tea mix of my own. I know I spilt some of it on my tomatoes and they too are showing the browning of the leaves.

This looks like you sprayed with neem oil or safer soap or some other fert or spray as long as new growth doesnt show up with it then it shouldnt be a concern
heres a pic of mine earlier this year with the same thing and its florushing now over 2ft tall looking good and starting to pod , mine was from neem oil


this one looks like ya a bout with some aphids and or mites, it will bounce back as long as you keep the pests in check. also you may wanna make sure your soil isnt over fertilized sometimes that will cause the yellowing and browning
Yeah a couple plants were bought from Lowes for some damn reason......they had aphids like crazy. Which jumped on the THais. Did use a tablespoon of Dawn dish soap mix with a lter of water and used it to spray on the plants for aphids.......Maybe it is due to that? I also use Osmocote plant and vegatable food. It's a one shot deal where you just put a few pellets in the soil. And it's good for four months apparently.
Yeah a couple plants were bought from Lowes for some damn reason......they had aphids like crazy. Which jumped on the THais. Did use a tablespoon of Dawn dish soap mix with a lter of water and used it to spray on the plants for aphids.......Maybe it is due to that? I also use Osmocote plant and vegatable food. It's a one shot deal where you just put a few pellets in the soil. And it's good for four months apparently.

what kind of soil did you use? if you used a soil that already had ferts in it especially if it was miracle grow or similar, I would repot immediatley and not add those pellets because you will almost definatley burn a plant out in that is that young and in small container with the pellets. I did that some years back and learned the lesson the hard way and killed the plants I used the pellets with.
you shouldnt add anything like that to young plants imo.
if you feel the need to do it make sure you do it only on a final replant in the ground or large containers.
with most chemical ferts less is always more.
I started out using sta green at first but then I switch to Fafard, it's a local soil that is sterilized. The nursery here recommended it. I mix that with some mushroom compost and a couple pellets of Osmocote and in the pot it goes. I do epsom salt every two to three weeks. And that's about it. Thinking about getting some fish/seaweed emulsion but maybe I do not need it?
I started out using sta green at first but then I switch to Fafard, it's a local soil that is sterilized. The nursery here recommended it. I mix that with some mushroom compost and a couple pellets of Osmocote and in the pot it goes. I do epsom salt every two to three weeks. And that's about it. Thinking about getting some fish/seaweed emulsion but maybe I do not need it?

Fafard is good stuff, I would say out with the pellets and in with the fish/seaweed emulsion your peppers will love you for it, as far as the shroom compost I have never used it but I seen mixed reviews some people here like it and other avoid it.
I use promix bx w/compost and a very little amount of bone meal mixed in and use fish ferts every 2 weeks in waterings.
I think i'll do that this weekend. repot the rest into Fafard and and no more pellets. It's a shame because those damn things are 9 bucks for a small bottle and I only used a tiny bit. Owell.....lesson learned.