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Species question

I got my grubby little hands on some 'Po Cheong' peppers from a fellow THP member (I'm such a seed trade whore) but can't find any information on the little buggers. I would like to know what species they fall into. Anyone have any information / experience with these guys? :think:
just the name screams Annuum to me but what do I know...never heard of it and it may just be a name the locals call it...
Tall plants produce abundant green to red medium heat, thick fruits. Excellent for slicing and pickling. Annuum
Source: http://www.thechilewoman.com/listofchiles/region/asia.htm

An early producing variety from Asia, plants grow quick and to bout 50cm in pots but get bushy over a few seasons producing mass’s of 6-7 cm pods, starting green and ripening to Red. The Flavor is a capsicum/applish taste and has a crunchy applish texture with a burn that stays. I really like this 1 and prefer it to the asian birds eye..
Source: http://users.comcen.com.au/~rev_neil/morechillis.htm
THSC also has a small thumbnail of it...