food Spicy Duck egg omelet.


Staff Member
I got given some Duck eggs from a friend, so was itching to put them to use. For anyone who hasn't had Duck eggs before,  they are much richer in flavor, and creamier than chicken eggs. I prefer them over chicken eggs. They are best enjoyed lightly fried with a runny yolk so you can truly appreciate their creamy deliciousness. 
Omelet - 5 Duck eggs, Spicy salami, Tomato, Fresh Tabasco chilli, Parsley, Black pepper and 1tsp Smoked Habanero powder (thanks ShortcutToHell).

Duck egg (on the left) compared to a chicken egg.

Topped with Smoked Bishops hat powder, chilli infused Peccorino cheese, and my Scarlet Pain sauce. Wholegrain toast on the side.

That's right, Duck and Turkey eggs are delicious. I won't be able to leave the house for work now until I try to somewhat duplicate Shorerider's breakfast. Stomach is already growling. Got to go.
I'm a fan of all 'thangs duck.
Wild duck 'specially but I ain't opposed to farm raised.
I'd eat the hell out that sammich.
And I'd be all over a bigass duck egg omelet.
Tinnie said:
They sell duck eggs at my asian grocery.... always been a little scared of them..... you may have flipped me..... seriously good looking omlette there SR....
Give them a go, they taste just like a chicken egg only fuller flavored and creamier.