food Spicy Stir Fry

My wife and I made some great stirfry today for lunch... here is a rough rundown...

1 orange habanero pepper diced
2 jalapeno peppers diced
1 cucumber sliced
2 straight neck yellow squash sliced
2 cups broccoli
1 red bell pepper sliced
1 yellow bell pepper sliced
2 cups mushrooms sliced
2 cloves garlic diced
red curry powder to taste
ground cayenne pepper to taste
10 oz shrimp
coconut oil and butter for the oil in the wok

1 cup rice [cooked up to about 3 cups]

Mix all ingredients except rice in wok or large pan, fry until veges are tender... serve over rice. I used soy sauce and srichacha as a topping.

Only took one pic with my Evo's sub par camera... but here it is.

We save half of the veges for tomorrow, so what you see here is the above recipe cut in half:


Sorry for the blurry picture!
its the first one

it looks like he want to send one to you for some reason maybe he wants you to cook some up and send it too him?? LOL :P

just kidding Leche!! ;)

looks good wes :drooling:

thanks your friend Joe
Hahhaha Im Joking I was Joking about you sending me some Stir Fry By Mail, Looks So Delicious, I Love making StirFry all the time, I just use chicken, but now im gana make some shrimp!!! Looks Delish