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spirders, good or bad?

I have some small spiders on some of my plants, they make a web between some leafs.Is spiders bad to have on chili plants?
Generally, they eat other bugs that you wouldn't want on your plant.
Jumping spiders loved my T scorps last year.
Only thing was cleaning the webs off all of them . . .
Spiders are predators that kill the bugs that could damage your plants.  Spiders are your friends!
There are also a lot of other good bugs that do this like mantis, but a European member may be able to help identify which ones are in your garden better.
Spirders? Are they like some cool spider/bird hybrid things....?

But yeah, spiders are good!!!
Norsk spell check probably doesn't work for English words. 
Let's be grateful that spiders can't fly. :party:
+1 to everyone. Spiders generally are excellent to have on plants, since every last one is carniverous, and generally won't bother you if you don't bother them...
gasificada said:
Spirders? Are they like some cool spider/bird hybrid things....?

But yeah, spiders are good!!!
You Aussies have some strange creatures to contend with there! :)  :rofl:
Love me some spiders! When I find them in the house I rescue them (from the rest of my crazed family) and put them outside where they can do their job in peace. I also have a pretty healthy population of assassin bugs every year and a less reliable population of lady bugs and mealy bug destroyers.
There good
Till one lands on your arm while tieing up pepper plants. Then your neighbors who see you flailing your arms all over your self like your on fire. Not only now they think your nuts for growing this kinds peppers. They think your just plain nuts.
But other then that there great little guy. They help kill bad bugs.
I used to be all cool and the gang with spiders, but I no longer am. My daughter got bit by a brown recluse when she was small, and after that unhappy visit to the ER I just have a hard time dealing with them. They "generally won't bother you if you don't bother them" poses one problem - how do you know that you aren't bothering them when you harvest pods? I agree that spiders are beneficial, but at the same time recommend caution. Better to ID the type of spider on your plant(s) now so you can have assurance that if one decides you are bothering it, you'll know what your next step needs to be. Hopefully it's no more than a nuisance for you, if you should be bitten.
I read that it's only within the last decade or so that black widows have shown up in Scandinavia, so be sure it isn't one of those.  If it is, be careful.