
I want to buy a better sprayer for growing this time around ...
I had a 1/2 gallon or maybe 1 gallon hand-pump one last time, and it was too small and pretty annoying ...
I don't have a big grow, either, so I don't need a electric or gas-powered anything, either, but I'd like to upgrade my sprayer for this go around - so that I don't dread treatments are much ...
Any crowd favorites, or ? ...
i have just the general 2gal pump sprayer from depot / lowes, works fine..  I don't really spray much though.
if i had an acre or whatever i would use a backpack sprayer.
Thanks, everyone.
I went with this one:
juanitos said:
i have just the general 2gal pump sprayer from depot / lowes, works fine..  I don't really spray much though.
if i had an acre or whatever i would use a backpack sprayer.
In Florida, in the summer (which is like 5-6 months long), the pestilence is real ...
It's a full-time job for the upcoming half of the year ...