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hi, this is going to be a silly question but im just sprouting some chilli seeds and am wondering is it the plant or the roots thatpops out of the seed first, i dont want to plant them upside down, haha, thanks
sorry, forgot to add i have sprouted them on cotton wool so seed is just sitting there with sprout coming out the side
bones said:
sorry, forgot to add i have sprouted them on cotton wool so seed is just sitting there with sprout coming out the side

And thus one of the problems with sprouting on rockwool. Do a search on this forum for "seed hat". You''l find your answer.
imaguitargod said:
Plant. The roots won't pop out of the soil, they work off good old gravity and always grow down.

He was asking what comes out of the seed first, figurered I'd answer that in addition to yours.

Root comes out first, it pushes down into the soil, then either the seed head goes up and pops out with casing attached, or it is left in the soil and the cotyledons pull out of the seed casing and work their way up.