• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stalin's Plants of Destruction - 2012 Glog (First Time)

Whats up worlddddd :D

I've been keeping updates mainly on youtube, but for you know all of those who care, il post them here for easier access to me and to all of you.

Feel free to hate, compliment, encourage, discourage, and all of that other stuff thats probably going through you're mind while reading this. Enjoy!

Heres some info:
What I'm Growing-
Trinidad scorpion Morougas
Yellow pot 7s
Butch Ts
Bhut Jolokia's

I also plan on getting most of these potted up in containers and going outside. No space for ground nor time.

Touchdown sequence begin.

Update #2

Moving along like a Train, not no Metra stuff either :D #3


I post videos every other week on saturday, maybe with some Persausaion, I will post pictures and such, Maybe.

Thanks in advance for everything. Even hate :)

keep it green, comrade
:welcome: from the PacificNorthWest!
I will be posting a video update today, in the mean time, happy birthday to me :D, and if anyone would be willing to try to help me figure out how to post pictures, and not links, i'd be super happy :D.

I got a explaination, sooooo il try my best to get pictures as well :D

Heres the new video guys, lots have happened in the past week, will start posting pictures when things happen.

Yesssa finally. I hope this comes in well. Look at the leaves growing from the bottom of my morouga! :D and its barley three inches tall lmao.

Look what came in the mail today! Massive shout out to xtreme gardening for the care package! Any ideas on how good this stuff is? Or what to use first?

Today i baby sitted my aunts dog, dad lets her out and she uproots my transplanted brainstrain. I think it took a beating, but the roots seemed okay, needless to say I paniced so i just replanted and gave it some water. Some leaves got holes punched into it, i patched one with duck tape. I think it will survive, but only time will tell.

I got first buds on my two and a half month old ghost! I also have them on my moruga and douglah. I am going to pick them off, but after tomorrows video.
Heres the new video update, I forgot to mention, my Moruga and Douglah Y'd the other day, yey
Take a look at the comments for what happened :(
Ok to be honest I forgot I made this post :)

Heres the previous week's video.


And I have 30 or so pods forming on my douglah :D
