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seeds Started my 2009 seeds

I cannot wait for harvest! :mouthonfire:
I'll start the Fatalii seed on the 12th for the contest/comparison and wait until March for the New Mexico/Anaheim types.
Here is what I planted so far.


Trinidad Douglah
Bhut Jolokia (2 sources)
7 Pot (3 sources)
Trinidad Scorpion
Naga Morich
Chocolate Habolokia
Devils Tongue


Pusa Jwala
Thai Dragon
Charleston Hot
Roumanian Rainbow (sweet)


Aji Brazilian Starfish (2 sources)
Aji Angelo
Inca Red Drop
Aji Chinchi Amarillo
Got a bunch of seeds today. Well, lots of seeds but only six types. Sweet Banana, Red Hab, Purple Jap (I don't know why!), Hungarian Hot Wax, Cayenne and Tabasco. Have already sown Bhut Jolokia, Red Savina and California Wonder Sweet Bell, plus about a dozen Scorpions. The Bhuts (30) were sown on the 26th and so far only one has sprouted.

The plan is to sow 44 of each type in the hope I'll have 36 of each one to sell.

The toms (eight kinds), cucumber, Angels Trumpet and Kenaf Hibiscus probably will not arrive until the end of this week.

I'm planting the rest of my hots in the next few days but will wait to plant my jalapenos and sweet peppers in Feb or March