Starting a sauce company

Hello my name is Zachary. Me and a close friend have a sauce business In the works but it's our first year. We have plenty of land for pepper production and this year we have grown around 4000 Jalapenos, 1000 habeneros and 1000 ghost peppers. We wanted to go the route of having product before marketing or coming up with an original recipe. We have the storage for the peppers this year but we want to atleast net some profit and put some back into our business. Does anyone have any ideas on how we can get this off the ground? We're thinking about asking someone to white label a sauce for us and we know multiple resturant owners near us. Was hoping for some other ideas or suggestions. Will attach some pictures of the garden if anyone is interested where the peppers are grown. I am from the southeastern United States.
:welcome:from the Pacific NorthWest!
there are some great product forums on THP.
You might consider the 'Extreme Biz' membership,
but there is lots of available knowledge here.
from the Mountains of NC.
We have a section called The Food Biz where we have helped a lot of sauce people start, some big names too.