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Starting over - need help selecting some varieties

I used to grow a lot of different chili peppers back in the 80s (when you couldn't get anything compared to now!) and also in the 90s, in different sections of time. I need to get a selection of my base peppers together and am hoping to get some advice on which might be best for me.

1. I had grown a drying chili that was of a southwest type (I think). One greenhouse told me the variety actually was called "red chili". Some years back I did some research on the net and found some sources that said this was actually a commercial open pollenated variety. I have since lost my seeds from the plants I had been growing. I used this pepper dried and it was really pungent, bursting with flavor. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good drying pepper of this type? I'm a lot more interested in flavor than racking up the scoville units. I have done searches and find nothing in the southwest or "pueblo" type of drying pepper.

2. Paprika. I grew boldog once, but had a bad year and never got anything out of it. Need suggestions for a really flavorful, open pollenated variety.

3. Jalapenos. My wife loves pickled jals on poultry. Medium heat, lots of flavor. I don't even know if there are different open pollenated strains on this type. I've grown from greenhouses in the past and got some that were great but too hot, some that were really flavorful and just right in the heat dept. and some that tasted like I had bought them at WalMart. Blech. Searches for info on jalapeno types regarding flavor turns up nothing for me.

4. Cayenne for the pepper flakes you put in Italian food. I've grown some different strains and can't even remember now what strains they were or if they were F1 or not. All I can tell you is that they had enough heat and very little flavor.

5. Thai pepper. I did find one thread from a while back where someone asked for advice on basically the same thing: a thai pepper with the most/best flavor with heat level a second priority. There were only a couple of suggestions given.

And finally, along with suggestions it would be helpful if a source for the seeds could be given. I'm recently retired and have not grown some of these peppers in 10 years or more. I still have seeds for some of them but I can't gamble on any of them being any good any more. They have been kept dry, but have only been stored in a closet in paper envelopes. I'll try growing them, and if some of them turn out I'll be happy to share. There were some very interesting varieties I don't see anywhere.

Thanks for any suggestions or info.

Edited to add: Also looking for any drying pepper that would be very different from the above.