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Starting some plants in the Caribbean. Need advice...

Hi everybody,

I'm living in the Caribbean and could use some tips re: soil, fertilizer, containers etc. Most of the info I have found is for cooler, temperate climates. Growing should be easier here right? I have some ButchT, White Habs, Jalapeno, and Poblano seeds that I ordered from Pepper Joe, and am looking to get started in the next few days. Do I need to start the plants in small containers indoors? Or is a sheltered area outside okay?
Probably best to start them indoors, so you can manage your garden layout better once the plants start to grow. If you sow all your seeds outdoors and only half pop up, then you'll have lots of empty space in your garden.

You're lucky, pepper plants should take off like crazy down der in de Island heat mon!

Here is a good starter video.

Yes I woulld recommend starting in small containers and letting them get rootbound before trasplanting. When I was in Jamaica I talked to locals about growing "things" and you should be good to go outside all year considering your climate. I had very good germination rates with pepper joes seeds so you should be fine. Soil should be light and airy, well draining. Fertilizers depends on grower. If need be start out with a pretty balanced fert and when they start budding/flowering hit them with a bloom fertilizer something higher in Phosphorus. Start out 1/4 strength and work your way up with all nutes. Calcium is almost a must with growing peppers and recommend picking up some Calcium/Magnesium supplement to add with watering and fertilizing. Bone meal works great as well sprinkled over the top of soil. Peppers like dryer soil. So water sparingly. Less is better than more. Lots of peppers originate from the Caribbean and you should be able to find some great growers or locals to talk to. Good luck with everything and welcome to THP.
Thanks for the quick welcome everybody! I def think I will start them indoors. I have a "greenhouse", which is really just a 12x12 open air shed with some tables that I plan to move them into later on. It has chicken wire all around to keep the birds and bigger lizards out. I think I'll be pretty limited as far as fertilizer options here but I will spend tomorrow looking around to see what I can find and will update with pics once I have something worth looking at.
You are in the BVI and ordering seeds from Pepper Joe? Can't you find some good local seed? And if you do, can you send me some? :-)
Starting some plants in the Caribbean. Need advice

1.Throw them on the ground and walk away...
2.Walk around and Find them in the wild and transplant them in your yard. :lol:

I'm just pulling your leg because I'm jealous that you live there and I live here. Welcome to THP Mon!