indoor-growing Starting to flower at just 5 weeks old

Hi all,

looking for advise please.

my current plants are indoors in a grow tent under led light for approx 18hrs per day
they are around 5 wks old and just 3 inches tall at best, however some of them are now showing flower buds forming.

what should i do and why has this happened so soon.

varieties doing this are all 3 of my Razzamatazz plants and so far 2 out of 3 Bulgarian Carrots
none of my other varieties are showing signs of this

any advise welcome

I really wouldn't be concerned. Unless you have a pretty substantial breeze to pollinate it, the flower will probably just fall off. And there will be plenty more. If it does pollinate and produce a fruit, then I'd take it off so it can continue growing.

Some folks deliberately pinch buds, but once you get so many plants, it's very time consuming to micro manage them. I just let the flowers happen, pinch fruit on young plants when I see em, and after that, let the plants do their thing. They still grow up to be every bit as big and productive I reckon.
Posted pictures so you can see they are really small plants at the moment.

I will do as Kramer suggests in leaving for a bit then nipping out if they continue 👍

Nice looking plants.

What is the ratio of red to blue ratio of your leds?
If there is more red, that might encourage the early
Now that's what I'm talking about! Those are some fine specimen you have there, Ratz. I don't think they're flowering early at all considering that one there is already well into developing its second set of nodes. Nice job and best of luck with them!