• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

stc's comeback down south grow...

Hey THP...been a while and much has changed for me and my family. We accepted orders to Charleston, SC and now reside in a small town just north of there called Moncks Corner. I haven't really had a grow in three years, so it is going to be nice getting back out in the dirt. My modest list thus far:
Red Brain Strain 7 pot:   coheed
Orange Brain Strain 7 pot: gnslngr
7 pot Monster Infinity: gnslngr
Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate: gnslngr
Charrapita Yellow
Primo X (my cross)
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion
Bhut Orange Copenhagen
SB7J: Romy 6???
Naga Reaper
7 Pot Primo
7 Pot Barrackpore
Large Yellow Brain Strain
Yellow Bhut: Spicegeist
Yellow 7 Pot Primo: Romy 6
7 Pot Rennie
Brown Moruga
Butch T
Douglah x Butch T: gnslngr
Yellow Cardi Scorpion: Romy6
I sowed 3 seeds each for these varieties, but expect some no shows. Many of these seeds are almost 10 years old. My grow setup will be two grow tents with 300w Mars Hydro LED lights on the seedlings and as they get bigger they will graduate to 600w Mars Hydros. My main garden this year will be in straw bales, but I may keep a few indoors under lights all season. 
The Baccatum and Annuum lists to follow...
I've missed growing and the THP community.
It's been a roller coaster month...grandson born, 25th anniversary, my wife's 50th birthday. We discussed many options for anniversary/birthday gifts but she settled on a new camper. We traded in our old travel trailer for a 5th wheel. 



one of my "not" Fatalii...squatty but still yellow pods and lots of them...

This is another "not" Fatalii...these are fully ripe. I left them on for an extra week to make sure they didn't put on any more color. They are somewhere between mustard and caramel colored, but still green as the base color. Very interesting. 

This one is supposed to be a Moruga Satan Strain...that may have been the mother, but I'm pretty sure the daddy was a bubblegum.

Absolutely massive Chocolate Bhutlah pod! 

First ripe Jigsaw

Scotch Bonnet and Scotch Brain...

Primo coloring up...picked one too.

Today's pull of peppers...


Another perspective. 
Hope you all had an awesome weekend!
Nice 5th wheel unit, Shane! You guys will have fun in that!

Great harvests and money shots along with the pod porn!
That one Chocolate Bhutlah is a freak, all right!
Lot's off milestone's recently stc, congratulations.  And the 5th wheel looks awesome! - If you have any extra seeds hook me up; I'd love to grow one next season!
Seems like you're hitting stride on production and seeing some interesting crosses.  "Bubblegum Satan" gives me a chuckle.   And the c bhutlah is truly a beast.  Will be interesting to see what you do with your harvests and they continue to get bigger.  Heck, it's not even July yet..
Great pods and an awesome trailer. You must really love your wife or hate your truck. I was gonna print a picture of your trailer to take out and show to my old K3500 dually diesel but I was afraid he'd freak out and never start again.
Quick update...some of this was posted over on the Harvest thread...



Scotch Brain

Don't know exactly what variety these are, but I save seeds and grow them every year. They have decent heat and are perfect for pickling.

These are two different jumbo Jalapeno varieties...both have good size, but only one has ok heat. Still great for poppers.

Primos are one of the few true varieties I have. both plants look picture perfect Primo.

Mixed yellows in the smoker...mix of hickory and apple for the smoke.

Those smoked yellows and the rest of those pods unsmoked dehydrating...

into the covfefe grinder. 

Done...the red, brown and green pods were ground and bagged with no additives. The smoked yellow pods got some garlic and onion powder plus kosher salt added.  Both turned out really great! Have another batch ready to grind tomorrow. Wish I had some Manzanos to powder...my favorite.
happy growing y'all!
DWB said:
Where can I get me one of them there covfefe grinders?
This one was from walmart and only around $12 I think??? It was in the make coffee great again section.
CaneDog said:
Man, that's a whole lotta good packed into that post. I bet that smoked yellow powder with the onion/garlic/salt is just awesome. And the primo are dead on; shape, stinger, and the gnarly bumps.
Thanks CD! The yellow powder is really good. Wish I would have smoked it another hour, but it was the first time in this new smoker and I would rather be light on the smoke than too heavy. I've smoked some too long before and they aren't good when you over do it. 
Awesome results, Shane!  Your smoked and dried powders
look/sound great. You have already harvested more pods
than I will this whole season, thanks to our Spring Suck.
Nice rig Shane ;) Enjoy it!
The harvests and powder look great!
We have a similar grinder dedicated to powders, and we make sure to use it downwind of us outside.. I'm sure we've all been there done that when grinding inside.
Edit: And a thumbs up to the "Yings", it's a great beer. Ever try a Ziegenbock (born in Texas), aka a "ziggy"? That's as close as we come to the Yings here in Tejas
Was out of town for the 4th...great time. Had to huddle my plants around two sprinklers on timers and it seems to have worked out perfectly! Came home to some happy, healthy and heavily laden little ladies.

Supposed to be an MOA Scotch Bonnet. Some have a decent bonnet shape, but not up to MOA standards for sure. First decent batch of ripe ones. Taste test will be tonight!

(not exactly) Bhut (bhut close)

another (not) Bhut Jolokia...supposed to be red 

Today's pull





Digging these UFO style Scotch Brains!

carmel ummm...Dark Chocolate??? Scorpion

Bhut Orange Copenhagen/Aji Amarillo

Trinidad Scorpion Moruga umm...Yellow Moruga??? Cool looking pods and extremely hot for a yellow...so its a keeper.
So...during my harvest I was pulling pods when I noticed that one plant had chocolate and red pods on the same plant. I am thinking they must ripen through one color to another...probably brown to red,  but I've never seen that. Pulled that plant aside and I'm not going to pull any for a while until I can get some good photos of both colors and figure out exactly how they ripen. Pretty cool plant.
All for now, I am looking forward to catching up on everyone's glogs tonight...or maybe tomorrow. I have a little homework to do first. Hope everyone is having an awesome season. 
stc3248 said:
So...during my harvest I was pulling pods when I noticed that one plant had chocolate and red pods on the same plant. I am thinking they must ripen through one color to another...probably brown to red,  but I've never seen that. Pulled that plant aside and I'm not going to pull any for a while until I can get some good photos of both colors and figure out exactly how they ripen. Pretty cool plant.
You sure it wasn't two seedlings in same cell? Everything looks awesome 
Pepper-Guru said:
Just follow the main stalk or stalks down and see if there are two crowns buried under the soil surface. 
Definitely a single plant I took a couple photos today, but I would like to wait and watch them progress. It looks like they go through a brown almost rust color through to bright red. Here's the pics from today.


