Steak Sauce

I've never been a big fan of dumping stuff on an otherwise perfectly good steak.....but I know others (very) close to me that love to dump that crap on theirs. (of course I'm NOT talking about toppings like onions, mushrooms, and the like....)

What are your favorite store-bought or specialized steak sauces? In other words.....what do you think I should give a try?
I've never been a big fan of dumping stuff on an otherwise perfectly good steak.....but I know others (very) close to me that love to dump that crap on theirs.

Amen! I also have some family members that cover a really nice steak with that crap BEFORE they even taste it. It's almost insulting! I eat steak because I like the taste of steak. I always season it a bit or use a light marinade, but steak sauce is blasphemy in my opinion. I also hate when people coat their food with salt before tasting a single bite. :crazy:
Sorry, done ranting.
We indulge in the cheaper cut ie Top Round or as the store will call a London Broil, if I dont marinate it we will use a steak sauce. Beside A-1 the one I liked is from Tabasco its their Calypso Sauce - I just looked for an image on their site but it isn't there hmmmm...
There is a Tabasco Steak Sauce and a Caribbean - Here is a recipe that I got a while back for a good one too
2 tablespoons raspberry jam
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
2 tablespoons malt vinegar
5 drops hot pepper sauce
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Without hesitation...its Country Bobs All Purpose Sauce.
Those in my family who like sauce for steak love it....second to none.
I like it on burgers and chicken (especially grilled) but it is great on any kind of dried beans,in beef stew, vegetable soup....just about anything I've tried.
I understand they also some make some other varieties:( Spicy,Habanero,Apple Chipolte)but their original flavor works just fine for me.
The conventional bottled steak sauces are not good for a nice perfectly cooked steak.

I know you're good at cooking and you like booze, the only good sauce on a nicely seared (or peppercorn) steak is au poivre, if you haven't had it yet try it out.

Okay or chimichurri on a skirt or flank.

These are best homemade of course. Store-bought? No idea but I'm sure you could buy them.
A good cream based pepper sauce as THP mentioned is the only thing I'll use on quality meat like filet mignon, tenderloin, even prime rib and NY Strips. For tougher cuts like flank/london broil, they're more flavorful to begin with so they'll stand up to more of an acidic sauce, like a BBQ sauce.
HP Sauce is great with steak if you can find it. It's a bit like A1 only without that vinegar flavor, it has a slightly bitter/sweet flavor from tomato, dates and tamarind.

Otherwise I don't think I've ever bought a steak sauce, I tend to make them up pretty quick. You can also make a marinade for a flank steak, then make the sauce from the leftover marinade......I use simple ingredients - balsamic, garlic, ketchup, a little brown sugar or maple syrup and a good hot powder like a ground Habanero. Tamarind paste is also good to cut the sweet a bit....

Damn you've got me thinking about cookin steaks now :lol:
Funny but my favorite steak sauce, I never put on steak. 57 babeeee and it goes on grilled salmon with honey. Its so good I ate a whole silver by myself on the upper nush. Salmon is the food of God.
The most I've ever used was a little herb butter melted over the top....or a tiny shake of Lea & Perrins.

...but I really like these ideas. TB, I never would have thought 57 would go well with salmon. I must explore this further.
Mushroom Ketchup is good as a 'steak sauce' on the side.

Homemade is, of course, better.
Sounds pretty potent, like Kitchen Bouquet or something.
Yeah, it is somewhat potent, best to have it in a cup on the side for dipping or mix it with some butter.

The homemade mushroom ketchup recipe that I use is a much thicker,more flavorful, but less potent (if that makes any sense...LOL) sauce.
Never seen it before. Sounds like it's be good mixed with mayo on sandwiches and burgers.
Because of the entire Kosher thing, Ribeyes are the most common steaks here and are affordable. for others I would only season with a little salt and freshly and roughly shredded black pepper. I only put a little salt on mine. I like my steak to taste like meat!
Hell yeah, brother!!!

Ribeyes, eh???

Not a bad cut of meat to be stuck eating!!
It's not that I'm stuck with it, but because of the whole kosher thing it's just cheaper to produce ready-to-eat ribeye cuts than other premium cuts.
I really have no idea how much this costs in your part of the world, but I do know it's considered cheaper here. with the price of Angus ribeye per kilo at my local butcher, a 14oz steak costs me about $6-$7 (the meat of dairy cows such as Holstein is cheaper). a feast for a king in less than $10, brother. in the local restaurants the same steak go for up to $20-$25. at a fancy restaurant, the price is much higher. anyhow that's the only type of steak I buy for myself. other loved meats are lamb chops, burgers (sometimes made of ribeye!) and sausages.

Used to date a cattle grower's daughter. the meat was cheaper then. :lol:
Angus ribeye per kilo at my local butcher, a 14oz steak costs me about $6-$7 (the meat of dairy cows such as Holstein is cheaper). a feast for a king in less than $10, brother. in the local restaurants the same steak go for up to $20-$25
Wow! Rib-eye is the most expensive cut here... And unfortunately my favourite. :(
About $25-40au at the supermarket, and $40au bare minimum dining out. Nomally $45+.

On topic however,
I usually have red wine jus on a nice steak.
I'll have pepper sauce, or worstershire on anything lesser.
I shoulda' mentioned that there is one sauce that is perfectly compliments steak. Bearnaise. I haven't found any fish, foul, or mammal meat that it didn't rock harder than penitentiary steel. A ribeye topped with asparagus, king crab and bearnaise will make you see GOD!
If we're going to foray away from bottled commercial sauces, well then just good melted butter (preferably homemade sweet cream butter from Jersey cream) is the best!
But like most, I usually prefer my steak without a distraction.