• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stefan_W's Great Big Beefy Pepper Adventure

This is my first attempt at posting a picture here. If this all works fine I will post more, and if it doesn't work all that well I will go back to the drawing board before trying again.

Due to a relatively short growing season in Ottawa, I knew that my ghost peppers would be tough to grow to the point where they produce ripe peppers. I started the seeds in mid-February, and I had three of them germinate. Mental note to avoid using jiffy peat pucks for peppers next year. One of the peppers came up with all of his leaves stuck together in a huge knot. I patiently pulled the leaves apart with a toothpick, and he ended up being a bit smaller than the others but none the worse for wear.

This photo was taken on May 3rd when I had the plants out for watering. I did all of the watering for my peppers and tomatoes from below, which was more time consuming but well worthwhile in the end.
