• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

StephenG's First Pepper Garden (2013) [Updated 4/12/13]

Hey THPers! This is my first time growing peppers, or actually anything at all. I've got the help of my dad (who has certified "wizard magic" by my girlfriend on growing things), and he's the one guiding me through it. I certainly expect to see suggestions and help for me along the way from everyone here who watches my thread.

First and foremost I would like to thank Durham Bull for sending me a very large order of seeds of many types. Unfortunately I will not be able to grow them all as I have many things going on right now and, honestly, I wouldn't have the time for all of them. Of the 20 or so types he sent me, I am growing 8 different varieties The rest are going to go to a good friend of mine at work and I'm sure he'll be glad to take a few, so I don't waste any of the seeds sent to me. Hopefully that will get me started and keep me busy! Of these varieties that he sent me I have decided to plant the following: Datil, Fatalii, Trinidad Scorpion Morouga, Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate, Primo, Naga Viper, Red Harbanero, and 5 Color. I'm not familiar with peppers and their names but I've done some research into them and they seem like a good mix and have plenty of heat range.

My intentions of starting a little pepper garden are quite simple. I want to, and I've always wanted to. I'm going to do my best to get these pepper to maturity and make some jams and oddity pepper products just for the fun of it. Maybe I'll even try to sell some of the jams to a few friends of mine. There's no real reason behind all of this, and I don't expect to make money off it. I just want something to do in my spare time and hopefully this will achieve that simple goal!

So I guess it's time for a few pictures, yeah? Anyways, I only have two since I just now started. I'll defiantly be setting in more pictures as the time goes on. This is very exciting for me!

Here is me receiving the seeds, once again thanks!


And here they are in the dirt! I tried my best to do an outline for everyone lol. Side note: I haven't planted the 5 color peppers yet. Dad is the one who wants those and he's going to throw those on his own in a separate container, I'll get a picture of those once they're planted.


Anyways. That's about it. I hope everything sprouts and grows tall and healthy. Thanks for reading!

Update 4/12/13:

Peppers doing fine I suppose. I had an issue with overwatering I hear, so I think that should be fixed. Please let me know if there's anything you suggest!
Welcome to what I'm sure will quickly become an obsession. I have a few rebuttals for a nagging girlfriend on why the electric bill is so high and why I spend all my time in the basement, if you are ever in need.

Looking forward to the progress.
Hey guys, just an update!

First my computer went boom and had to get a few componets replaced, that's why I haven't made a bunch of updates...
Anyways, to the good news!

At least two of each variety has sprung and is about a inch tall, I have videos I could upload, but my video upload is really slow. I'm about to head to work right now so I'll get some pictures later. This is exciting :D