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Steppin it up...

I have a planting table i made a few years back and has served me well. I got a T-8 4' 6 bulb unit from HD... well i hung it and have it on a timer, its bright as all get out, but shines in the bedroom since it's out in the open. It lights up half the side lot and back yard, so I know It's wasteful. I decided to close in the bottom I had stuff stuffed under, and really wasn't a good use of space. I framed it in, layed window screen down first, since Here on the lake midges just swarm the light at night and end up sticking to it. I still have to paint interior and ext. finish the doors and such. I will watch the heat, and maybe add a lil squirrel cage on a thermostat, since I already have one.

I have room for one more soda flat the area is 60" x 32". Once I paint, I have a bunch of radiant barrier I will line it with. I think this will defiantly help with next season starts. Once I get a lil more progress I will show the finished product. My paint and such is over at the condo so I will have to wait til i head out there next weekend to pick it up. Anything ya'll can add feel free.
Wife manages a Cafe, so I will get 4 more black ones cuz they fit pots better then the blue one. That and milk crates are the cats azz.
That's a good start...

you can keep the light 2" above the top of the plants

what's the color temp. on the bulbs.......mine are all 6500k

some of the big box stores ..(Lowes).. carries foil faced 4x8 sheets on insulation comes in 1/2" and 1"

that's what I use with 1" wood strips framed and glued to the back for stability...

works great for reflecting light back, and also blocks the light from shinning through the window...
I really don't need insulation, doesn't get cold enough here. I've got a roll of radiant barrier here, so i will be puttin that up after I paint. I keep this out on the back porch and with the rain and humidity, un treated wood won't last. I had all the materials layin around.
Well I painted it today, light and fan curing and gettin the smell out. Wifes kinda mad, bought a HVLP for sprayin crown and builtins, But since I bought another new airless, it was just itchin to put some paint out. Man this box is 10 x brighter, and I've haven't even stapled up the foil bubble wrap she gets... man i LOVE HER! I'll get the camera bat charged, but in the short time, some seeds have come into full glory@!!!
Well the paint is dry, and all aired out...

The wife gets the bubble foil from stuff at work, so nother week or two I will have enough to finish it.

I got some sample from horticubes to give them a try, I am really digging them.... I start seed in a coffee filter in a baggie, and place in soil once it pops open. Well ya wait and wait to see if there going to come up or not. Well they usually do but with these you can see them germ,, and grow out of the cube. It's holds moisture well, and excess will run out easily. I would recommend them to anyone, might even make life easier on the new growers here...

I also found some thick plastic containers in my moms car, who knows what there for or where they came from, but perfect fo starting batches of 30 at a time.

There's nothing in them, I'm going to wait til I start in Jan or so.
Update... man these things are taking off. This carolina cayanne is growing like a week, literally. The pic shows the plant that was started on 9-22.. that was a seed germed in a coffee filter, once i saw the slightest hint of a root, it went in the soil.

I also checked my DWC, and the fatali, has sprung nice white roots out of the 6 in net pot. It has started to regain color, so I'm stoked it's working...

I have a few in Horticubes that will go into another cabinet and be dedicated to that one Brazilian Starfish.
So far my DWC datil is coming along nicely. I don't have meters, so i just change out the solution every week to be on the safe side. The old solution is not wasted, it waters others.

This scorpion has really taken off, it is growing great, not sure what i will do with her, I don't really want to fill up my box with one plant, I never made it to grow full term. Might trade it off to the guy at the hydro store.

Over all, everything is growing by leaps and bounds. One numex 6-4 is defiantly out pacing the others, I think i might have a chance to try one this year, once it starts to flower, I will put it outside. Not sure if it'll grow too big in the box first. We'll see.
Very nice SS. I am happy to see that some of the same ideas we have and you beat me too are paying off for you (means they should for me too). My grow box is only just over 4 foot by just over 2 foot. I have two though side by side and will be getting a 72"x72"x72" grow tent for the bigger plants. Everything else will be in windows, under lights or in the greenhouse I need to finish until good weather comes around again, May-June here.