chinense Steve VS megahots Chocolate Scorpion

LOL, he just needs to sit back and let it go.  IMO he's only hindering his tolerance building by trying to dull the burn.  I bet if he would just sit back and take it, just one time, his tolerance would skyrocket.  Easier said than done, I know.  Nevertheless, he's climbing the ladder!
compmodder26 said:
LOL, he just needs to sit back and let it go.  IMO he's only hindering his tolerance building by trying to dull the burn.  I bet if he would just sit back and take it, just one time, his tolerance would skyrocket.  Easier said than done, I know.  Nevertheless, he's climbing the ladder!

I agree with you Brain! He read your comment and said its hard to sit back LOL. He agrees with you, easier said than done. But youre right Nd hes climbing the ladder. :)
PepperLover said:
LOL i can smell it, i can feel it.... poor Steve you are expermenting on him like a hamster 
give him some milk not water lol
u guys are crazy funny
I respectfully have to disagree with you on this Judy. He wanted to try something hotter than the previous time and I wasnt going to give him a big one on my plant because it would be cruel. I felt like he could handle a small one and he did quite well. As for the water, I suggested to him to drink nothing at all but he insists in using water or ice. I guess some people just prefer water or ice over milk.
I do see your point of view of the whole thing. Im trying to not let it get out of hand. I think Im doing a good job of it because of the fact that a few weeks back he wanted to eat a Reaper and I wouldnt let him! :)
And I hope, he didn't take my comment as a jab at him. It was cwrtainly not meant to be that way. He has more guts than the vast majority of the worlds population. It takes some balls to put peppers of that caliber in your mouth.
compmodder26 said:
And I hope, he didn't take my comment as a jab at him. It was cwrtainly not meant to be that way. He has more guts than the vast majority of the worlds population. It takes some balls to put peppers of that caliber in your mouth.
Not at all Brian, he agrees with you as do I. Its just a matter of getting used to it is all. I remember when I first started out I had to have ice cream after the video to try and relieve the burn, after enough peppers I gradually weined myself off of it LOL
You are a good mentor, Jon, and Steve is a good student! 
It`s very tough to just go with the burn, but I do agree with Brian about building tolerance. Still, I think Steve is doing great. He`s a brave guy for even trying these peppers on camera. Eating them does take balls, but eating them on camera like he is doing? That`s awesome!
Thank you for the kind words Nigel! Steve and I appreciate it!
I agree with you and Brian about building his tolerance. If he keeps on eating them, he will get it down without ice or water and be able to talk about the pepper more. Thanks for the cooment friend!
Hey Steve!  Get an account on here bro.  Not that we don't like talking about you with Jon, but it would be great to be able to interact with you directly man!
Hey Steve!  Get an account on here bro.  Not that we don't like talking about you with Jon, but it would be great to be able to interact with you directly man![/quote
I agree Brian! Steve says he will sign up
smileyguy697 said:
Nicely done Steve! You Handel the peppers well! Keep Hanging with John and you'll have a sweet garden next year! Great job bro!
Thanks Mike! Steve is the man! We appreciate it