As an Organic grower I have very few tools to use against this PEST.
Two grows ago I used a product named Surround WP on my fruit & vegetables & had a bumper crop.
Last season was not as hot so I did not use Surround. Sometimes life has to kick you in the arse to get your attenion.
Last season Stink Bugs ruined everything they could, & it was a poor harvest due to SB damage.
Spinosad won't kill SBs However Surround keeps them a bay & prevents SB damage.
Surround keeps plants cooler in very hot temps, & it helps deter stink bugs from biting & spoiling the fruit.
I also noticed the Aphids did not seem to like surround at all.
Two grows ago I used a product named Surround WP on my fruit & vegetables & had a bumper crop.
Last season was not as hot so I did not use Surround. Sometimes life has to kick you in the arse to get your attenion.
Last season Stink Bugs ruined everything they could, & it was a poor harvest due to SB damage.
Spinosad won't kill SBs However Surround keeps them a bay & prevents SB damage.
Surround keeps plants cooler in very hot temps, & it helps deter stink bugs from biting & spoiling the fruit.
Surround WP (25 Lb) - Grow Organic
Looking for Surround Kaolin Clay near me? Discover the benefits of Surround WP and how Surround Kaolin Clay can enhance your gardening experience.
Surround® WP - 25 lb bag
Surround WP is an effective OMRI listed crop protectant. Made from specially modified Kaolin clay that is registered for agricultural use; forms a barrier that protects from many pests when sprayed on fruits or vegetables. The white barrier not only repels pests, it causes irritation...
I also noticed the Aphids did not seem to like surround at all.