food Stir Fried Rice Combo...

Ingredients: Garlic, Onion, Scallions, Galanga, Red and Green Thai Chili's, Pickled Thai Chili's, Dried Thaibirds and Mini Thai, Thai Basil, Eggs, Shitake and Maitake Mushrooms, Lime, Westphal Ham, Shrimp, Chicken Thighs, Fresh Peas, Black Salt, Coconut Vinegar, Aged Chili Oil, Jasmine Rice, Soy Sauce, Pineapple, Fish Sauce, Coconut Oil, Coconut Milk.

The ideal start to this meal would be to make the Rice the day before either in a rice cooker or a pot on the stove, leaving the lid on and allowing to sit at room temp overnight. I made the Rice today, including the fresh Peas, can of Coconut Milk and enough water to cook through. At that point I spread the mix onto a sheet pan, placed in a cold oven with the convection fan running....that helps remove unnecessary moisture....let Rice rest until needed.

Chop up the veg and fruit, cube the Ham and slice the Chicken. Peel and devine the Shrimp and brine it with 2 cups of water, 2 tbl of Brown Sugar and Salt. Leave Shrimp in fridge until needed. Add 2 tbl of water and Cornstarch to a bowl, whish in the Eggs and set aside.

Make your own Sambal....can't beat preservatives !
Mix a tbl each of Chili Oil, Coconut Vinegar and Fish Sauce. In a Mortar (or food processor) pulverize 7 cloves of Garlic, 1 tbl of Galanga,  fresh and dried Chili's..add Salt your taste.

Fire up wok, add 2 tbl of Coconut Oil, chopped Garlic and Galanga and sliced Green Chili's.

Add Onions, bottoms of Scallions and Chicken Thighs...cook until Chicken begins to turn  opaque.

Add cubed Ham......continue to move food about

Toss in the Mushrooms and Pineapple

Drain Shrimp and add to wok, pour in Rice and Peas, Thai Basil and Soy Sauce. Make a well in the middle of the wok, pour in Eggs and Toasted Sesame Oil. Cook until finished through.

Plating shot a side of Sambal and a Thai beer.........Great leftovers !
damn that looks good! I think ill try it out, hopefully mine will at least look as good as yours if not taste as good.
That looks amazing!  I love making combo fried rice and will have to give your recipe a try this week subbing regular ginger for the galanga and skipping the mushrooms.  
What ratio of water to jasmine rice do you use, and what's your method for cooking it?  Mine always ends up sticky, even with soaking/rinsing.  And I've never heard of letting the rice sit at room temp overnight, I always refrigerate.  Gonna have to try that too  :D
Great pics!

Come to my house and cook!
I love how every step looks all but plated up.

Been awhile since I have caught one of your posts Greg, I have been reminded that my laptop screen gets dusty. Just need a way to make the dust match tastes with the meals being viewed.

:clap: great looking meal :clap:
I made this Monday night.  I used regular ginger instead of galanga, no mushrooms, no pineapple, 4 eggs, a diced carrot, 2 chicken breasts instead of thighs and no Sambal.  It was awesome.  I make chicken fried rice and occasionally add in shrimp, but never had it with ham or coconut milk in the rice.  Never going back to that after this.   :party:
The Count said:
That looks amazing!  I love making combo fried rice and will have to give your recipe a try this week subbing regular ginger for the galanga and skipping the mushrooms.  
What ratio of water to jasmine rice do you use, and what's your method for cooking it?  Mine always ends up sticky, even with soaking/rinsing.  And I've never heard of letting the rice sit at room temp overnight, I always refrigerate.  Gonna have to try that too  :D
Hey, thanks for checking this out. Jasmine rice can stay sticky even after pre-rinsing it. I use a pot on the stove (the oven can also be used as an inderect method...great results). As far as measuremnts go, for this I used 4 cups of rice (with peas) and poured enough water to reach the the top knuckles of my flattened hand. The can of coconut milk was then added. Rice was brought to a boil then simmered on low with the lid on for 30 min. Remove pot from hot burner leaving lid on for 30 minutes...then fluff up. I used the rice the same even 2 hrs later. If doing the day before you can refrigerate it over night...but can also be left out covered...won't go bad.
What helps to separate the grains is to have a bit of oil on the hands.
The Count said:
I made this Monday night.  I used regular ginger instead of galanga, no mushrooms, no pineapple, 4 eggs, a diced carrot, 2 chicken breasts instead of thighs and no Sambal.  It was awesome.  I make chicken fried rice and occasionally add in shrimp, but never had it with ham or coconut milk in the rice.  Never going back to that after this.   :party:
Glad you like to make fried rice and gave this idea a try. I shop occasionally in the Asian one of the Korean stores the Galangs was cheaper then the Ginger. It is more pungent in flavor.
The German Black Forest Ham really brings up the dish with the smokiness. Ilike to add chopped pineapple for the sweetness. I like your idea with the carrots and using the chicken breasts is the norm when I feed the whole fam. I grow Thai Basil in the summer...but its always available here...and is a must for a Thai Fried style dish.