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Storing Peppers

Greetings Everyone ,

I'm getting ripe peppers now . I have frozen peppers before and liked using them. Many people here dry their peppers.

Why dry and not freeze ?

Any thoughts on which taste better ?

Peace ,
P. Dreadie
P. Dreadie said:
Greetings Everyone ,

I'm getting ripe peppers now . I have frozen peppers before and liked using them. Many people here dry their peppers.

Why dry and not freeze ?

Any thoughts on which taste better ?

Peace ,
P. Dreadie

Well, I can't speak for anyone else but I like drying them because I do not have enough freezer space. I turn most of mine into powder or flakes to further reduce the amount of storage space needed.
Dried peppers are used dry in powders/rubs etc. or sometimes rehydrated, but frozen peppers are usually used like fresh peppers although they do get a bit mushy, especially if they are not cut up before freezing
The freezing process can be a pain. I've tried it and failed. The definitely turned out mushy. I've heard that boiling, peeling and cutting off the stocks will make them hold their crunchiness after frozen, but that's a long process. If you're looking to make hot sauce out of them or make a mash, then freeze away.
I puree them...then pressure can them...one 5 tier shelf rack when filled with half pint size pepper puree jars will last a lifetime...

there are lots of ways to use the puree besides hot sauce...I cook with it to add flavor and heat to meals...
AlabamaJack said:
thats why I pressure can the puree...and it's not just for hot sauce...it is great for cooking....

Yea that sounds like a good method all around. Preserve color and flavor while making it smaller for storage.
There are many ways of preserving but freezing is likely the best way to preserve pepper strips or whole peppers for frying or even for stuffed poppers. I personally like to roast and peel larger peppers before freezing and then they don't get too mushy
I've been using both methods this year, drying my orange habs for powder and flakes, freezing thais and cayennes for sauce later. Since my harvests have been small ones up until now I figure this is a good way to amass a bunch of peppers of one kind so that I can make a bunch of sauces at the end of the season to use during the cooler months. I also plan on giving a bunch of sauces away as gifts this christmas. I've been using pods fresh as well. Seems for sauce, freezing is a great way to preserve the fresh flavor and heat since the pods are going to be pureed or mashed up in the end anyways.

Time will tell how this method will work this fall when I'm harvesting more though. I've seen a few people here freeze pods and then dehydrate them whole, so if my Nesco gets filled and I've got more pods to dry on hand, I may have to try this method as well.
This will be the first year I have to worry about storage--I hope. Never grew enough to be a bother before. I think I'm going to go three ways, dried and ground for powder, follow AJ's example and puree and can some, then freeze some whole.
patrick said:
This will be the first year I have to worry about storage--I hope. Never grew enough to be a bother before. I think I'm going to go three ways, dried and ground for powder, follow AJ's example and puree and can some, then freeze some whole.

So far I've:

Dried some and ground into powder(stored in jars in the freezer)
Dried some and stored intact in freezer bags in the freezer
Canned concentrated puree
Canned Q sauce
Canned pickled peppers
Canned hot sauce

I haven't frozen any yet, but must start freezing some stuffers.

The challenge will be using all of this year's harvest before next season, as I've already purchased seed for over 4x what was planted this season. WTF am I thinking! :rolleyes:
AlabamaJack said:
I puree them...then pressure can them...one 5 tier shelf rack when filled with half pint size pepper puree jars will last a lifetime...

there are lots of ways to use the puree besides hot sauce...I cook with it to add flavor and heat to meals...

AJ, have you ever used frozen peppers to make your concentrates? If so, did you notice any difference in the quality of the finished product?
Thanks Everyone ,

Lots of good answers. I've always just frozen peppers. I chop them up to cook with , or if making jerk paste or a sauce I toss them into the blender. So the texture never mattered. I may try a few dried . AJ's idea of making a puree sounds good. You could freeze that or can it. If you were to freeze them you'd need to make small cubes.

Peace ,
P. Dreadie
Skydiver said:
AJ, have you ever used frozen peppers to make your concentrates? If so, did you notice any difference in the quality of the finished product?

No sir, I have not. However, other members here (I think) have.
Frozen peppers make great sauces. I believe only the texture of the pepper goes funky, not the taste or flavor
Frozen peppers make great sauces. I believe only the texture of the pepper goes funky, not the taste or flavor

Cool, ty.
I have some lovely peppers, but the only ones I have in great amounts are the orange habs, so now I know I can freeze the other stuff like my bhuts and trinis and such and make a big batch later on.