storing your peppers?

hey guys im curious as to what some of you guys who grow tons of peppers do with them so they dont spoil. if you dry them can you store them in a mason jar and use as needed? i froze some scorpions once and they were mush after defrost......
Yes, if you dry them they will keep for a very long time. Frozen is a good option if you're going to cook them down in something, or just to wait to dry them. I have 1/2lb in the freezer waiting to be dried when I have enough to fill my dehydrator and a night at home alone.
If you're not planning on cooking with them then dehydration is about your only option. They'll keep fresh in an air tight container for around a week from my experience
Freezing will make them mushy, but they are fine for eating, and sauce afterwards, pickling exact results, drying is third for whole peppers
Lets look at your possible uses for peppers: fresh/cooked, sauce, pickling, and powder/flake.  Peppers will keep fresh for about a half week or more on the counter, and a few days longer in the fridge.  From here you have the option to eat fresh, dry, sauce, or preserve.  The only way (in my opinion) to preserve is to freeze them.  Making them into a sauce isn't preserving them, just like drying or pickling them isn't because you are taking the options away.  If you freeze them you will lose texture, BUT you will have the option to sauce or dry.  Peppers will keep for about a year or so if frozen correctly (freezer proof ziplock, food saver, etc), and at that point you just have to thaw and use.  I haven't tried to pickle them from the freezer, so someone else could chime in and add their opinion. 
For me, once the harvests start rolling in I will dry a lot of them and the ones that I plan to use for sauce I will just prep (split in half and seed) and freeze until I am ready to use.  If the dehydrator begins to back up (which it will once all 60 or 70 plants start to produce) ill do the same.  If you have a large garden, or plan to, a deep freeze is a must!
Smoke, dry, powder, flake, sauce, roast and munch, freeze.
I have my own spice rack of just pepper powders.
Each variety gets it's own shaker.
Make converts to the chilehead community, give away free samples till they become addicted, tell them they only grow on a high mountain in Tibet, and you have the only contact.
Hey---that's how my bhut dealer got me addicted. :pray:
Those VeggieFresh produce bags work well.  They will keep chiles fresh in the refer for up to a month.  I've found that chiles need to breath and when fresh pods are put airtight, they will spoil way faster than when left out.  For keeping fresh pods for more than a couple days, VeggieFresh bags are the way to go. 
I wanted to point that i made some of that puree today and its wicked hot! I only had enough supers to do one jelly jar but it will stay good for a long time now. The recipe said 100 grams and i had 100.6.. But like i said it will do one jar. Just a friendly warning when you attempt this use caution! I used gloves, a mask and safety glasses and my hands still burn! Not exactly sure how because i used protection and it still laid into me.


Had to throw this in cause the gf was like you look ridiculous. Little does she know. Ha, she wouldn't even taste it.
Bodeen said:
 They will keep chiles fresh in the refer for up to a month.
I have never put chiles in reefer  :rolleyes:
I can't even imagine smoking one of these. :eek: Man, the coughing fit that would bring....
One idea that I didn't see posted yet was AlabamaJack's puree. Good way to store the peppers for stews, chili, gumbo or anything else you can imagine. 
Jeff H said:
I can't even imagine smoking one of these. :eek: Man, the coughing fit that would bring....
One idea that I didn't see posted yet was AlabamaJack's puree. Good way to store the peppers for stews, chili, gumbo or anything else you can imagine. 
Its super easy to make too! Just use caution while making it and be careful of the steam.
smileyguy697 said:
I use a dehydrator usually but I'm going to try this recipe this year as well. I had some someone else here made and it was awesome!
Its here you just missed it.