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Storm/Wind damage to my Habs

Whats up everyone. We had a pretty bad storm come through yesterday in Illinois and when I got home my plants were in bad shape. The strength of the wind broke of branches and destroyed pretty much every leaf on the plants. I don't think there is one full leaf on the plants, most are torn. Is there anyway to save these little guys? The main stalk/stem look to be intact and didnt get pulled out of the pot. Please let me know what i can do to save these plants??
We got what came through you guys and it was pretty hard on us as well. My plants didn't get hit as hard as yours it would seem. As for your plants, if the main stem is in good shape it should pull through. Of course it will be set back a bit in its development. But just give it time and it should bounce back with new growth.
i had deer eat mine to the ground, then the storm got what was left, they're already starting to explode with new growth. Just give it time and keep watering
If there is fruit you probably ought to pick it off so all energy is put into regrowing leaves, and give it plenty of whatever fertilizer was already working for you but keep in mind that a dose or two of synthetic fertilizer would give them a boost over waiting for organics to decompose.
Thansk dude. I have just been using fish emulsion. I have only given the plants one dose of it so far, but that was when I planted them into teh pots.

also, shoudl I trim off any branches or leaves that may look damaged? Or just give it a boost and let mother nature try to correct it?
If they're broken, trim them. Trimming some severely damaged leaves wouldn't hurt. Use the fish emulsion like once every week or 2. Oh and when I said tea I meant fermented bat guano with rotting fruit and some symbiotic fungi. No specific band, whatever you'd like to use Or is available.
I would wait on the branches. Last year I had a big branch that completely split down the middle and I thought I'd lost 1/5th of the plant. I put a stake in, tied it to the stake, wrapped twine around the broken limb and left it on.

It not only survived, I overwintered that plant and the branch is now over 1' longer and loaded with blooms and baby peppers.
However, if instead of splitting it kinked over across the diameter of the branch, then I'd cut it off.

Leave the damaged leaves on, if they are not useful to the plant it will drop them by itself, though if they start turning yellow and shriveling you may as well get rid of them.
Thanks Guys, much appreciated feedback. I got rid of some yellow leaves and teh branches that were kinked. Gave it some fish emulsion and will let mother nature do her thing. I lokked up that tea recipe and I am really interested in trying that. Sounds like organic steroids for the plants!!!

I am trying to post some pix of the damage but cant seem to figure it out.
Sounds like organic steroids for the plants!!!

YUP! Haha I can notice daily growth and an immediate explosion of growth with whichever tea I use... I brew 2 seperate jugs, one high in phosphorus another high in nitrogen and mix based on Plant size, too much nitrogen for too long will make giant bushy plants with no peppers and bud drop. Also, if you're brewing tea make sure you don't use city tap water, it's full of free chlorine and chloramine(disinfectants) and they kill the microbes and fungi you're trying to grow before they have a chance to multiply

Oh and if you water your plants with city water you kill the microbes in the dirt too... I ended up having to buy a chloramine filter for the hose so I wouldn't defeat the purpose of using teas. It's a lot of work but in my opinion totally worth it.