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Stormy Spring weather and planting....

Seems like at least once a week in my area there are threats of tornadoes, heavy rains and strong wind. Chances of that today and tomorrow, so I brought the seedlings back indoors and put them under my light. Does anyone follow any rule of thumb for planting outdoors in regards to the weather forecast? I am planting in containers, and right now my seedlings are too short to stake up. At what height can I begin to stake them up?

As of now, because of how unstable the weather has been, I was planning on planting them in the containers when there is a three day period of no strong storms to let them settle in the soil, and staking them loosely once they hit six inches.
I wait until after the last frost threat. When the dirt is dry enough to tear up, I tear it up and the babies go in the ground.
Mine have been planted for a couple weeks, and these storms don't seem to be hampering their progress. As long as they're hardened off, they'll probably be alright for the most part. Hail shredded a few of my plants, but now they're growing back bushier so if anything I think the shock is doing them some good.
Mine have been planted for a couple weeks, and these storms don't seem to be hampering their progress. As long as they're hardened off, they'll probably be alright for the most part. Hail shredded a few of my plants, but now they're growing back bushier so if anything I think the shock is doing them some good.

Good to know. Threat of frost is long gone in my area, I have just been waiting for the sun's angle to change in my location so I can get enough sun, and it seems like this weekend will be just about right (I don't get full on sun til June, but that is way too late. With some container manipulation I can get 6 hours now though).

When should I stake the plants? (how tall should they be?)
Only a couple of mine are staked right now... I waited til they were about eight-ten inches tall, and then I only loosely tied them to the stake to keep them from blowing over and snapping in case of high winds. The rest have survived 50-60 mph winds without much damage. Young growth is often surprisingly resilient; it's when the stems begin to stiffen and lose their pliability that you have to worry.

But, use your own judgment. Most of my plants are at least partially sheltered.