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Strange growth on tabasco

These pics are from one of my cousins tobasco plants. Not much excites him but I thought this was intetesting. I've never grown these before so not sure if this is typical. Pic quality is atrocious but hope you all enjoy.


I have a tabasco growing (great peppers btw), and I have not seen anything like that. Very strange. I will be interested to see what the more knowledgeable members have to say... :eek:
Nova how are you mate. They were growing off the stems of the tabasco plant. Numerous ones. I didn't see what they looked like when they started or what they looked like after the actual peppers matured. Those pics were from july I think. I should have made the effort to monitor them as the season went on. Cousin isn't very interested in peppers so he just plants and picks. When I told him to check them out he kind of looked at me like he didn't really care.
I would say weed too if I saw that pic. There were numerous clusters like that. The were growing out of the actual stems and not in the Y's of the plant.
Good idea Omri. That plant is long gone though. Pretty sure he ripped it out before it ever started to get ripe pods. You can't pick your relatives.
Solanum americanum?


I actually had some of these pop up in my garden not so long ago and I can tell you from first-hand experience that they really bear a striking resemblance to chilli plants. Are you sure he didn't have one of these growing up amongst the tabasco plant?

Gas.... Thanks a lot for the info. That is for sure what it was. Could not deferentiate between the two. My inspection wasn't very thorough I must add. Looked like one giant bush of a plant. Didn't see two different main stems.
Gas.... Thanks a lot for the info. That is for sure what it was. Could not deferentiate between the two. My inspection wasn't very thorough I must add. Looked like one giant bush of a plant. Didn't see two different main stems.
Yeah, I was amazed at closely they resembled a chilli plant. At first I actually thought mine were volunteers until I went in for closer inspection.
+1 to GAS...its just a nightshade plant growing in the same space of your tabasco plant. it has darker leafs. if you see your picture you can notice there below are some slightly different plant. try to see the plant with those fruits if they are part of the same plant or different. these nightshades have similar properties ,so don't be fooled. the flower comes in bunches.