Strange Habs, yellow leaves and crazy shaped leaves

Hey guys!
New here so i'll be glad to meet you all. But I have 5 Orange and Red Habaneros planted this season that are not doing too hot. 
I bout them and they looked great, dark green, big leaves like all new Habs have and I was happy with them. Now though, they have changed into my nightmares. They have turned a light green color, as well as the newest leaf growth turning into strange hooked shapes and curling up. I have tried with some fertilizer to see if that would help but now they have gotten worse.
We received 4 inches of rain last week and they got worse. They have now started dropping leaves quite often, but only the old growth leaves.
So here are some specs on soil and such. 
pH ~ 6.5
Soil test showed low Nitrogen and Phosphorous, fixed those issues.
First it was only 3 plants with problem, now all 5 are having this issue.
Average temp during the day is 80.
We're in zone 7a.
Here are some pics to reference for you guys!


Now these are from last week to keep a view on how they were doing, now they look worse. So if anyone has any idea what is going on please let me know. I saw a thread on how someone was having issues like this and it was pH, so that may be my problem.
When did you apply the N and P fertilizer? The new growth deformation could be a reaction to a big spike in nutrients. As always, over-watering can look like just about every type of nutrient problem, so that needs to be ruled out or fixed first.
Scarlet, I have put eggshells in the soil as well as the fertilizer I used had some in it. I used fish emulsion 5-1-1 with micronutrients in it as well.
Pepper, I applied the first batch of fertilizer about 3 weeks ago, and then a lower dose a few days ago. I have taken them out of that bed to see if that helps and put them in another dryer bed. So I will see if that has any change!
Thanks so much for the answers! I'll keep it updated.
agreed with the overwatering. give them some time to dry out and dont water until they need it. some of mine are suffering from all the rain we've had too.
Thanks Brownb4! Good to know someone else in TN is having issues as well. Well...not good but it helps me know that it's something I can fix. I hope your plants bounce back as well!
too much water. The odd leaves are the new leaves that have been growing in the last few weeks which on the east coast has had alot of rain.