Strange leaves, please help

Hi Everyone,
This is my first post on the forum, and my first year growing chillies!
To let you know where I'm at.... I bought a multipack of seeds from a website online, consisting of 1 packet of every type they had, and I planted approximately 4 seeds of each (Total of 64 plants).
Approximately 50 survived past germination, some didn't germinate, some grew their first 2 leaves and then stopped. I now have them outside in pots, of varying sizes (I live in the City and space is an issue), depending on their variety. Biggest pots are for cayennes, down to sparkler/stumpy/prairie fire in small pots.
Most of them are going well, however I'm having trouble with a few very strange leaves, this is affecting about 4-5 plants and strangely enough 3 of them are lemon drop.
Doing research on this forum and other places, I THINK it is either a calcium deficiency (I have the higher end of hard water in my area), or else it is some kind of pest, possibly a thrip, I found one of the plant, but nearly all of them are clear, do they have preferred species to infest?
Anyway, here's a few pics, hopefully you can help me identify and potentially save these plants, or recommend I ditch them to save the rest. I couldn't work out the best way to link them, so just stuck them in an imgur album.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Not sure :)

My plants went like that recently too, and I have very hard water where I live.

It started happening within 24 hours of fertilising my plants.
       Walk away from the plants,tell them they will be compost unless they straighten out.Snip the bads if you feel you must. ;)
That can happen from rapid growth on young leaves, and/or too much water.  I'd wait a bit and see if they don't correct themselves, but yeah you ought to get pest insects off though to me what you pictured looks as much like a ladybug nymph as a thrip.  Take one off and study it closer.  If it turns out to be a ladybug nymph then put it back to eat the other bugs.
Ladybug larva and aphid damage to early leaves... When aphids feed on tender young leaves they will grow out looking like that.