was outside checking on the plants , walked by the strawberry patch and BAM these guys called my name !  so i picked some brought em in washed and got the cool whip out ! great after chili desert !  
Nice....I picked a couple lbs today as well.  We finally have a big enough patch to get a bowlful and I have more patches started.  I was tired of getting one here and one there the last few years. 
Rairdog said:
Nice....I picked a couple lbs today as well.  We finally have a big enough patch to get a bowlful and I have more patches started.  I was tired of getting one here and one there the last few years. 
es it took a couple years for them to mature and the patch to get bigger but now their settled in !      :onfire:
Ideally you would plant the new strawberries in rows about 3 ft apart.  Then let the runners grow between the rows.  After the main crop slows down pull them.  Then let the newer ones put runner where the old ones were.  Repeat....I just grow in patches and pull the older ones out.  I like afternoon shade when the leaves from trees kick in after spring.  Mulch with pines needles to keep them moist and ph in check.  The everbearing never give me a good batch at once so drifted back to June bearing.  Too much maintenance when it gets hot for me to mess with everbearing.   2 quarts every other day in June works out perfect for Missy and the neighbors grandkids. 
Strawberry meat marinade
Crushed smaller imperfect strawberries that the kids pick thru
Rice vinager
Garlic.....if you got a good fall crop in
Green opinions....they are just kicking at the same time.
Pepper flakes to your hotnesss level
Immature peppers from smaller plants so they can divert energy back to growing
Misc herbs that need a haircut to divert energy.....
Marinade for 1/2 hour or a little more before it breaks the meat down too much. 