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Stressed Chillies

I've heard about stressing your plants.
i get the theory that it makes them produce hotter pods, BUT... how do you going about doing so?

i get that making it listen to Jason Bieber, and do algebra with a gun pointed at it's roots ain't gonna stress it like it would a normal human,. so how do we stress a plant??

what about high winds? put a fan next to them on high for a certain amount of time? also for hot pods use sulfur match heads are good.
Our climate in south Florida is very dry in the winter, when I water mine they're dry by noon. I watch the level of water I place in a 5 gal bucket marked w/sharpie and I'm amazed at the high evaporation we have VS our summer. But I too go with the every other day watering but not sure that’s causing any stress.

Summers are so humid in Japan, so I reckon I have a climate that will grow some killer bhuts..

Beelzeboss I had to use a fan on my orange habs (not reds, they were fine ) cause they would wilt/not hold flowers otherwise
Once the plant is large enough to withstand it you can let it dry out until the leaves wilt a bit before watering. Fire might be a way to stress it too.
You can bend the limbs till they nearly break and or split the main trunk of the plant even crumpling or stripping the leaves off. If you do, spray the plant with diluted hydrogen peroxide to keep the plants healthy. It sounds pretty extreme but peppers living on the edge, are just like people you get mean and tough if you want to survive, pods from plants treated that way are hotter and the pods seem to have more placenta, of course I may be off on that point, but it would be something to try. You can also make yourself a upside down planter and force the plants to grow in a way they are not use to such as upside down the stems will try and grow upright I would tie the stems so that the wind doesn't break them off as the stems are weeker when grown that way. I prefer to stress the plants by bending,twisting, stripping and splitting.
Kinda on topic..

Will seeds from a stressed pod/ plant produce a hotter plant than from a non stressed pod/ plant?
I once grew a big Billy Biker Jalapeno plant, kept it watered every day feed it fish fertilizer, epson salts the whole nine yards the plant grew really big and it had about a hundred 4 inch pods on it. Every pod was mild and had less heat than a regular Jalapeno. Ten feet away was a scrawny little billy biker that I didn't have room for, so I just stuck it in the ground next to the garden it was always wilted and on the verg of dying. The pods were much smaller, but boy they were hot! Now I just give the mature plants just enough water and ferts to keep them going, along with stessing them some what, the pods seem to be much hotter especially my cayennes and billy bikers .
Next years seeds can be effected by growth and stress from last years plants and can be some what hotter.
sweet! i might mix and match. keep half my plants stressed, smother the others with love.
I want more pods for cooking and it will be nice to get the shock every now and then when i forget which plants the pod came off :)
The trick is to grow a healthy plant first, then stress it.

Need a healthy plant to produce a quantity of pods, then start stressing. A plant stressed from the start will produce few pods.