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seeds Stretched seedlings & how close to light?

I had to make some set up adjustments and as a result the dome stayed on these longer than I wanted and these seem stretched to me. Should I start fresh ones or will these be ok?


So the plan is as they pop to move them into a corresponding empty tray under the lights how close should the light be ? I'm a little bummed that they stretched thoughts?
They will be ok once you transplant make sure you bury the stem. It all depends on the lights you are using T8 or CFL 4" to 6" has worked for me but with others I think it depends on the output of heat the bulb gives out not sure.
Very leggy!!! Get all those seedlings out and bury the stems in some good soil! then get them right under the lights! They will be fine I'm sure :)
They will be fine as the others have said. They will form roots from the stem when you cover it with soil. I've found that peppers will get leggy if they are more than about 2 inches from the lights. I am using CFL's, so your mileage may vary with other light sources. the brighter the light, the farther they can from it without getting leggy.
They will be ok once you transplant make sure you bury the stem. It all depends on the lights you are using T8 or CFL 4" to 6" has worked for me but with others I think it depends on the output of heat the bulb gives out not sure.

I'm using 2 1/2 x 4 ft T5 HO's 4100 kelvin and right now they are 6 inches above.

Very leggy!!! Get all those seedlings out and bury the stems in some good soil! then get them right under the lights! They will be fine I'm sure :)

Yeap I agree on leggy : ( this project of mine is fluid and I didn't expect em up so quick. I didn't have my set up nor could I until I moved the older plants. You said in soil but my plan was to move them from the 72 cell domed tray they are in on the heat mats w/o light into an empty waiting in-domed 72 cell tray under the lights and let en develope some leaves and roots first .. Bad plan?

Before I had the germinating trays set up on my grow table but have now moved it to sit on some lumber on the floor, I know kind of ghetto but we work with what we have right? So they start here


Then once they pop I move them here under the
light, should it be closer ?

If that the results your getting you should drop it down to 4" then see what happens and if they are still leggy you keep dropping you just need to be careful that your seedling don't get burned or heavy tan.
Yeah, let them develop a tad before monkeying, I think. Under good
light up closer they will green upand develop their cotys. My 4' shop
lights are as close as I can get 'em to the plants. the annuums grow
right up to and again'em