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Stunted Bhut Jolokia?

So I know I've been sweating my Bhut Jolokia plants a lot. But my one bhut is doing well, the larger of the two, however it is the same age (maybe even a couple days younger) than my other bhut plant.

Size difference

I planted the smaller bhut from seed in a huge pot with my Caribbean red and tomato plant. The tomato completely took over so I transplanted the Caribbean red and Bhut Jolokia plant so the tomato could grow. But the bhut is so small and doesn't seem promising. Is it just a bad plant? Or is it stunted? Or is it naturally defective? Please let me know whatsup.
I know some may say it's because of the pot sizes. I just transplanted the small bhut into a terracotta pot last night, so this factors can be ruled out.
Just like humans chilli plants can grow at different rates. Chill out and let it do it's thing, it may be retarded or it may not. All we know is that it is a plant and should be loved just like the rest of the plants.
That or rip it's head off in front of ther other plants to serve as a warning.
And i like that you like the statement! :cheers:
And no JayT i am not post whoring. At all...
Oh just some dude around here that thinks he goes alright in the kitchen.. http://thehotpepper.com/user/883-jayt/
And to justify the use of the term retarded here is what it means-
Adjective: retarded

  1. less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.

So as you can clearly see, your plant is retarded. Or for want of a better term is a retard. :rolleyes: