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Stunted height growth question.......

Hey all...so in my seed growing spree this year, I accidentally bought a Morich start in stead of seeds.... I have my roomie (who worked in a greenhouse for 2 yrs)put it into a slightly larger pot while I was away. Well the pot did not have adequate drainage to say the least, and was over-watered. The main leaves yellowed and started wilting, well all of the leaves were wilting or curling under.
So I transplanted it into a bigger, well draining pot and it completely got happy/healthy. Well, its been over a month and the plant hasn't grown in height much at all but has filled out. It is pretty much become a 5 inch tall bush. about as wide as it is high. I trimmed off the leaves that were about 3 inches in diameter and touching the ground hoping that it might trigger upward growth.
Should I expect it to eventually "shoot up" after a while? Was pruning it a bad idea? Will all of this trauma effect the amount of fruit?
ANY AND ALL info would help....:?::?::?:
It will come back with proper drainage and a dose of some nice food. I suggest a feed of seasol,superthrive and some form of nitrogen (fish emulsion works good) for a short term boost, you really need some good soil though if you want some nice pods :)
I agree with feeding it, give it some calcium too, and is the lighting ok? How is the light it's getting? if it's not growing outdoors, you should give it as much light as you can.
Sometimes a plant will stall for a while after potting up or planting in the ground. As long as it is otherwise healthy its probaby busy growing roots.
Restricting the light by putting in a shady area (or the indoor equivalent) will make it stretch taller if that's what you want.
RichardK said:
I agree with feeding it, give it some calcium too, and is the lighting ok? How is the light it's getting? if it's not growing outdoors, you should give it as much light as you can.

It is getting tons of light. I keep it outside.... it is very strong, just hasnt grown at all upward since the transplant. I'll post a pic later today.

This is my first Morich plant. I have one that I grew from a seed about a month and a half later and it is almost just as tall.