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Suave Habaneros?

Was at the nursery today, buying a few "Thai Hot" plants to plant in the GF's flower garden, when suddenly a woman screamed


and proceeded to run out the door. Next thing I know, this poor hognosed snake has been chased behind a seed stand, and there's some crazy ass nursery worker chasing it with a broom. He grabs up the seed stand and tosses it to the ground, spilling seed packs all over the place.

SO I set my plants down, walk over and pick up the snake by the tail, and carry it outside and toss him into the bushes.

When I come back to pay for my plants, I notice on top of the pile of seeds a few different chiles. Most are your average Jalapeno and hot bannana, but I'll be damned if there weren't two winners.

Red Savina and NuMex Suave habanero.

I've had savinas before, and enjoyed the flavor, so I picked up two packs of those. The Suave habs however I was really conflicted with. I like the idea of hab flavor with no heat for getting people used to.... well.. tasting that hab flavor and learning to appreciate it. However, I love habs for the heat as well as the flavor.

Anhow, long story short, anyone grown these? Do they at least taste good? I bought one pack for the hell of it, probly won't plant them till next year.
Great Story Five...

I'm trying the Aji Dulce Yellow this year, the Hab taste but with no heat. Once they appreciate the flavor a little heat is soon to follow. My wife is a case in point, now she says when I'm cooking, better add a few more peppers to make sure...
Yeah and while Im eatin those Im gonna drink a non alcoholic beer or maybe some decaf. All the flavor with really no purpose at all.

Next in line said:
Yeah and while Im eatin those Im gonna drink a non alcoholic beer or maybe some decaf. All the flavor with really no purpose at all.


I did search the forum on this subject and came up with exactly these arguments..

But still, I can imagine these peppers may have their place. I mean hell, a heatless hab has to have more value than an O'Douls for Christ's sake!

I just love the flavor of Chinenses. I can only imagine the people who would enjoy my Jerk chicken salad if it didn't melt their face.

My real question is whether all of that great Hab flavor is retained in these peppers. If so, I'll grow them next year for sure. (I'll just have to be sure to isolate them from the superhots and the rest of my REAL chiles.)
Last year I grew Aji Dulce #2 which look and taste like habs but with no heat. They are great for bulking up the recipe. Sometimes when I make an omelette I'll throw in 2 habs and 4 or 5 aji dulce #2 to intensify the chinense flavor. If I put just 7 habs in the mix it would be way too brutal. :mouthonfire:
I was once the same way. I wanted the flavor but none of the heat. I tried Suave, aji dulce and perfumes... After trying them all I can say this.

Its like a diet soda is to a regular.

It comes close but if you want the full, true flavor go with the hab.
Next in line said:
Yeah and while Im eatin those Im gonna drink a non alcoholic beer or maybe some decaf. All the flavor with really no purpose at all.


Darn, and I thought flavor was its own purpose?!?! Now I'm crushed.
I grew one last year from seed I purchased directly from NMSU for the same reason as you.

Based on my limited experience, if you’re expecting the flavour of an orange hab, you’ll be disappointed. Maybe it was poor growing conditions but I found it tasted more like an extremely mild jalapeno.

Here’s a shot on one ripening.


