• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Sudo's First Grow Log - 2013

Previous grows have been fairly small with little regard for pollination. This year I'm going to try to keep at least one of each plant isolated. I've got some friends that have volunteered to foster some plants. Several strains are repeated across vendors because I wanted to see how well they would grow out. Lots of scorpions!

I'll get more pictures up once more seeds are in the ground.

Updated! 1/28/13
It's going to be a pepper jungle out back. Fortunately it's a big house and we've got a couple guest rooms that I can use for getting plants started.
Good luck with the rest of your start.
"Seeds Direct"........you do have a few Hab varieties listed and in most situations the superhots tend to change shape as they mature.

What is a Butch T2 ?

Good luck with the rest of your start.
"Seeds Direct"........you do have a few Hab varieties listed and in most situations the superhots tend to change shape as they mature.

What is a Butch T2 ?


Not entirely sure. I imagine that it's a Scorpion Butch T hybrid of some sort.
"Good germination, but they look like Habaneros across the board so far."

How can you tell at this early stage?
"Good germination, but they look like Habaneros across the board so far."

How can you tell at this early stage?

Some still just have cotyledons, but most have leaves. I would expect that the c. chinense would be identical, but it's across the board. Tabasco plants have fairly distinct leaves, and are a definite red flag at this point. It's too early to know more without flowers or pods, but it seems like a common problem given their feedback.
Nice list! Never tryed seeds direct. Im interested in how yours grow out.
Do you mean they all are looking c. Chinese, like habs, being c.Chinese themselves, at the early stage in their growth? The Tabasco should look different, they are not c. Chinese.

Whoops. I was too late.
Nice list! Never tryed seeds direct. Im interested in how yours grow out.
Do you mean they all are looking c. Chinese, like habs, being c.Chinese themselves, at the early stage in their growth? The Tabasco should look different, they are not c. Chinese.

Whoops. I was too late.

haha... beat you to it. Hopefully that cleared it up. They're an interesting experiment, but I'm not putting any particular amount of faith in them growing true.
Right now it's a four tier setup with three 2x4 T8s, for a total of 12 mixed spectrum bulbs. There's another fixture waiting to go up top once the current round finishes germinating. The whole structure is wrapped in mylar. It's a bit noisy with the fans but otherwise it's working pretty well.

The light fixtures hang a bit higher than I'd like, but they're a pain to adjust and the plans will grow into it. I'm running out of space, but I'm hoping to have the first batch of transplants outside by the time the newly sewn seedlings are ready to move into 3" pots.

Pretty much every pot is color coded and tagged so I can keep track of everything. So far so good!


Tabasco. Several of these should have been culled, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I'll find them good homes.


Seeds from Pepper Joe. Planted in columns.
  1. Bhut Jolokia
  2. Bhut Jolokia Giant
  3. Bhut Jolokia Yellow
  4. TS Red Morouga
  5. Reaper
  6. Datil
  7. Naga Morich
  8. Nagahari
  9. Butch T
  10. 7 Pot
  11. Mustard Hab
  12. Scotch Bonnet


Various Seeds from Spankyscolts. Planted in columns by type.
  1. Infinity
  2. Naga Viper
  3. Butch T
  4. Brain Strain
  5. Morouga Red
  6. Barrickpore
  7. Fatali / Savina
  8. 7 Pot Jonah
  9. Habanero (Carribean)
  10. Cayenne
  11. Bonda Ma Jacques (lazy seeds)
  12. Scorp Cardi
Also, roughly a dozen cups holding Fatali, Chocolate Fatali, and some 7 Pots


2x72 & 1x32 Germination Pods on a mat. Mostly all of the non-chinense seeds are getting launched.

All sorts of fun stuff to come!


This guy's a real trooper. Helmet head can't hold him back.


I'm still waiting on a few SASBEs, and an order from Jungle Rain. All told I'm well on my way to 600 plants this year!