
A friend of mine who is a chemist found out about my peppers and offered me a quantity of raw sulfur. Supposedly, it can be used to enhance pepper plants in some way. So, I ask those more knowledgable than myself:
1.) Can sulfur be used to positively affect a pepper plant?
2.) What are its benefits (if any)
3.) When should you use it? All mine are already flowering,with some producing.
4.) Does it affect the peppers at all? Taste/smell etc.
5.) How would you apply it?
Any answers to my questions or even a basic rundown would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
PS I've heard about planting matchstick heads with your peppers, is this kind of the same thing?
Sulfur is a secondary macronutrient essential for a variety of processes in plant growth (see Sulfur is normally present in sufficient quantities in soil due to the breakdown of organic matter and from rainwater. Elemental sulfur can be used to acidify the soil, a process that takes several months. You should measure the current pH of your soil and calculate how much, if any, sulfur to add to reach the optimal pepper growing pH of about 6.5 (see
Or, you could just drop a few pinches in your pots or scratch it into the soil near one of your plants and see if it helps.
Well since I'v just got containers going I think I'll try the experimental approach. Maybe next time I'll tinker with the soil more :D Thanks!