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summer time with Habanero&Bhut.J 8/17/12

i throw in assorted Hab's (chocolate, golden, white, red, orange)i didnt make labels because all are hab'si think i had really mistake to use the jiffy stuff (7 out of 16 germinated)1st pop out 14 days (from planting seeds)

18 days (have total 6 like this)

31 days (why there are few yellow leaves ? i water every 2 days after its dry, fert once a week )
What fertilizer are you using and at what strength? The yellowing could be due to too much fertz, over watering or not enough light. (just from looking at what you have going on)

Welcome to THP

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]* organic fertilizer: BioBizz-Bio Grow NPK-4-3-6, once a week (they got only 3 times)[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] i water after i see that the soil is dry (evry 2 days)[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] they are outside 24H at [/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]86-89.5F[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)], they get 3h direct sun (12-3), i try more but they showing over-heating..[/background]

* i also wasn't able to find answer for the sprouts lightning (led strip) - how many hours a day should they get?

Try cutting back on your fert to half strength and wait an extra week to give it to them.

Minimal lumens for good indoor growth is 3000 lumens but I know people get by with less. Especially if you are going to be planting outside once they get big enough. I don't know much about LED lighting use in growing.
Sorry, but im still looking for answer:

How much light should sprouts get? 24h, 20/4, 18/6, 12/12 (indoor)?

I used 18/6 for my sprouts and had excellent results in jiffy pucks. those jiffys of yours look a little too wet. they just need to be damp. after you expand the jiffy pellets when It starts to dry out you use a spray bottle and spray water in the center a couple times and depending on how warm it is you do that once or twice a day until the sprout comes then you can bottom water them . but like I said keep them damp not soaked

So I will do the light off 12-6 am

Yes you right, the jiffy were to wet
I changed all jiffy to soil-less soil and its work better for me
11000k? Way too high IMO. Shoot for 6000k tops.
IDK or not sure..

i read that for sprouts its ok to have 6000k+ , also 10000K+

these leds are only for this time until they will have couple of true leaves,
than i will transplant them in bigger pots and they will have sun all day long
I had the same problem. Now I water once a week or when the soil is dry and I only fert a half strength every 2 weeks. Throw in some worm wee from time to time. My plants are loving it.
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day 40 - habs (9 days from the pic from last update) - also double + the size it was

day 46 - habs - cant believe that they triple themselves by 6 days

day 9 - bhut +more habs

day 16 - bhut +more habs (the bhut is the large one)

golden+chcolate (some of the chcolate habs got purple leaves, and some not, WHY?)

1 bhut+habs

i moded the LED strip (add some more 11000K LED) its really strong and bright (the iphone take some light off)
i also lay the leds closer than this - 0 heat from LED

day 22 - its time to transplant some of them ?
those 5 who didn't grow at the bottom of the pic are at jiffy :rolleyes:


day 53


the 3 on the left are 2 weeks behind
the trays on the left protecting from strong winds on the 7th floor balcony

I used Jiffy when I first started seeds this year...I will say this..Jiffy sucks, and I will never use it again. I'd rather take a shit and pop some seeds in that before I ever use it again...moving on.

Pop those plants out of the containers And check out their roots. You want to transplant before they start circling the bottom. I recommend potting up earlier than waiting too long in any case. I've had very poor results with plants that are extremely root bound. By the looks of it and said growth rate, I would say you are safe to pot up.
i gonna move them from the tray to the 20OZ black container
i must to it before watering that its almost dry to come out 1 peace ?

also, when is time to transplant the other (the "big" ones?)