sun Sunburn? - Hopefully!

I've grown a Bhut Jolokia from seed which up until now has looked very healthy. Over the last two weeks, when we have had very hot weather, it's leaves have been damaged. I am hoping it is sunburn but I also have a smaller Habanero plant in the same greenhouse that has been completely unaffected.

I have re-potted and fed both plants the same so if there were any over-feeding issues I would expect it to affect the Hab more.

Can you look at these pics and hopefully confirm that it is caused by the sun, and advice thereon - I have put the chilli in the shade for a day or so but it was very windy so I put it back under cover.


Now I can't find where to upload pictures!
It seems counter-intuitive, but is it possible Bhut's are more susceptible to sun damage?

Of all the plants I've moved to full-time outdoors so far, a bhut is the only one I've managed to sun burn so far.




Here you go. Thanks for the tips!

As you can see they have been kept in a mini greenhouse (I only close the front when the sun goes down - south facing) but they seem to have done OK so far.

Any chance that spesific leaf got water drops on it somhow? Because from the picture it seems like the other leaves are healthy.
Pretty unlikely to be honest. If i do spray the plants its usually in the evening when the sun has almost set. The plants dont get any direct sun until around 1pm the next day. The leaves that are damaged were the ones facing the sun at the time, I turned the plant to protect them throughout the last 10 days or so.
There is a small chance that it might be Tobacco Mosaic Virus... to be safe, don't let it touch your other plants.. If it is TMV. when the pods start to form they will be deformed and possibly black and inedible

I would clip the leaf.. Monitor it and see if anything happens.. but keep it away from my other plants

Then again... I am sure there are multiple explanations... Someone else might know exactly what it is
It does look like to me to be water spot damage. It is simply the same as what would happen to your skin if you focused the sun on your hand through a magnifying glass. The water droplets (could be morning dew) act as the magnifying glass and fry holes in the plants' leaves. It does look like you could use some nitrogen though, I would pick up some Alaskan Fish Fertilizer. It is organic and wont burn from over dose, plus your plants weill love it and turn super green, they will get a growth burst too.
Morning dew?! They don't get sun till lunchtime and any dew would have evaporated by then 'due' to the warm weather we have had. I have Tomorite for when the chillies start (I have three flowers blossomed at the moment) but currently I just use Miracle-gro all purpose, but I hardly ever feed them with that as I am scared of over-feeding!
I'm gonna rule on the side of some sort of chemical burn?

It's definately not sun burn.. sun burn will just totally blanch the leaf.. not weird pinpoint spotty stuff