food Sunday morning poppers

Well it's Sunday morning and it is like 7 degrees outside and there is snow on the ground. So that means it is time to fire up the grill and have some poppers for breakfast. For the filling I used cream cheese, onion, garlic, and crushed pineapple. I put lil smokies on some and put chunks of gruyère cheese on the others. I wrapped bacon around the ones with  gruyère cheese. Anyway this was an awesome way to start the day. The ones with gruyère cheese were the best.
Heck yeah! Great way to start the day! I had scotch bonnets stuffed with proscuitto and havardi dill cheese for breakfast this morning. Great minds think alike...
ms1476 said:
Heck yeah! Great way to start the day! I had scotch bonnets stuffed with proscuitto and havardi dill cheese for breakfast this morning. Great minds think alike...
Man that sounds really good.
Well another Sunday morning is here so that means it's time for poppers on the grill. The temp this morning is a balmy 18 degrees with a foot of snow on the ground. Today we used  some ribeye steak , gouda cheese, gruyère cheese and of course some jalapenos wrapped in bacon. I think these came out very well even though a couple poppers got over cooked in the middle of the grill. Anyway here a couple of pics.

